Eureka, CA -- (ReleaseWire) -- 04/28/2020 --ReProp Financial has been a private money lender for over 30 years. Established in Eureka, California, ReProp Financial continues to create success stories for businesses requiring a commercial, industrial, or agricultural loan.
A previous customer and local California business landowner reached out to Glenn Goldan, Founder and CEO of ReProp Financial, to unlock the equity of their single-use property. This business secured a loan of $240,000 with a collateral valuation of $400,000 on a 12-month term.
A returning customer is a happy customer. The aforementioned landowner utilized their equity through a previous agreement with ReProp Financial to expand on a new real estate project. This landmark property carries a history of over 40 years. The property owner intends to pay off the loan when their project is finished.
ReProp Financial owner and CEO, Glenn Goldan, is always ready to help. From agency, brokerage, and property management to development, legislative reform, and consulting, he has extensive knowledge in the field. To submit a loan or learn more information, please visit or call ReProp Financial at (800) 444-2948.
ReProp Financial, a private money lender, is a division of ReProp Investments Inc, established in 1978. ReProp is a specialized real estate collateral lender specializing in commercial, industrial and agricultural loans. With over 30 years of experience in commercial real estate, ReProp can usually find a creative solution for even the most difficult collateral. All information can be found on
Glenn Goldan