Orlando, FL -- (ReleaseWire) -- 02/22/2017 --Freight brokers, meet the first of its kind freight rate prediction that uses Microsoft Azure Machine Learning- BTU's Three Modules-In-One.
It's not a TMS (Transportation Management System)
It's Microsoft Azure Machine Learning and Predictive Analytics integrated into three crucial modules on one platform to provide the ultimate freight rate tool and revenue generator for 3PL providers. BTU applies these modules- freight rate, sales and customer benchmarking- to provide the ultimate machine-learned freight rate, as well as two other module tools to contribute to increasing revenue.
The BTU ML Freight Rate Engine provides machine-learned rates based on a company's own data. Instead of just focusing on a freight rate tool that provides only freight rate data from competitors for the purpose of benchmarking against competitors. BTU's ML focuses on what customers are paying on freight lanes and understanding the behaviors to better stand out from the competition…As it continually learns from the three modules what contributes most to generating revenue and growth.
BTU's ML Freight tool can also be easily integrated into other solution systems.
BTU uses machine learning, predictive analytics, and artificial intelligence to give brokers the ability to quickly find the right rates that provide accuracy and high margins. The rate prediction engine uses Azure Machine Learning to continuously react to market conditions and reflect current rate trends for the selected lane and equipment.
It is not a freight rate tool that uses statistical analysis of data made up of thousands of freight transactions and even more unknown variations to risk using as a benchmarking tool.
Features and benefits include:
- Microsoft Azure is becoming a top tool for streaming analytics, machine learning and predictive analytics. Ninety percent of the Fortune 500 is using Azure.
- Three Modules on one platform: rate prediction, sales, and customer benchmarking with integrated dashboards.
- Machine learning to calculate, learn and recalculate data based on customers, wins/losses, productivity, and margins. This allows the system to help provide and suggest winning data back to employees
- Sales module that integrates and updates in real time for your sales team.
- Integrated sales module that never stops learning even when your sales team is out visiting customers.
- Customer benchmarking that includes an integrated sales module that keeps track of quote requests and automates your freight wins, losses, and generated revenue, to better understand what your customer pays on its lanes.
- Forecasts the most, highest rate that would be accepted by customers.
- Wins more freight in less time.
About Microsoft Azure Machine Learning
Microsoft Azure Machine Learning is a program that allows computer systems to examine large amounts of data looking for patterns, then generate code that lets you recognize those patterns in new data.
About BTU Software Company
BTU Software Company is a supply chain software development company that specializes in providing 3pl transportation providers prediction method software.
For more information on BTU Software Company, please call 800-273-5794 or visit https://btusoftware.com/