
XXI World Congress on Parkinson's Disease and Related Disorders

The motto of this Congress is "Sharing Richness", and indeed, it is the ultimate goal of our Association to share the overwhelming amount of new developments in not only the understanding of the etiology and pathophysiology of the multitude of motor and behavioural disorders, but also the therapeutic strategies, essential to further increase quality of life of world-wide patients suffering those debilitating diseases. This Congress will reach this goal by bringing together a, traditionally equi-gender, large faculty of distinguished younger scientists, clinicians and allied health experts.

Parkinson's: Movement, Thanks to a Pill Under the Tongue

It will soon be possible for patients with Parkinson's to overcome episodic struggles with movement with a sublingual pill of apomorphine, a powerful dopaminergic medication. Recent studies have shown that a marked improvement may be noted after only 10 minutes of sublingual administration.

A Phone and an Insole to Remotely Monitor the Parkinson's Patient

A special session at the Milan World Congress compared the systems currently used to monitor the movements of patients with Parkinson's disease. With a smartphone and an insole sensor, a patient's movements may be monitored and subcutaneous drug therapy may be regulated remotely, without having to resort to expensive and laborious hospitalization.