
HPV Is Surprisingly Common. CBCD Reviews Recent Data

Logo"Infected with the HPV virus? We recommend taking Novirin or Gene-Eden-VIR." - John Evans, CBCD

Study: Anger Outbursts Can Cause Viral Infections; polyDNA Recommends Gene-Eden-VIR and Novirin to Boost the Immune System Against Viruses

LogoBecause anger outbursts can expose the body to viral infections, we recommend that individuals take Gene-Eden-VIR or Novirin. - Mike Evans, polyDNA

Herpes Outbreak, How Long Does It Last? polyDNA Answers and Recommends Gene-Eden-VIR and Novirin

LogoWhen a person tests positive for herpes, we recommend speaking to the doctor about Gene-Eden-VIR and Novirin. - Mike Evans, polyDNA

Study: Children's Clothing Can Damage Their Immune System, Gene-Eden-VIR and Novirin Can Lessen the Effect

LogoThe environmental watchdog group Greenpeace tested over 80 clothing products marketed to children from 25 countries over the course of 2013. The group found that these products contain polyfluorinated chemicals (PFCs), and other toxic chemicals. An elevated exposure to PFCs was linked by researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health with "reduced immune responses in children." According to researchers at the University of South Carolina's School of Medicine, one of the effects of this immuno-suppression is increased activation of latent viruses, including the EBV, also known as human herpes virus 4.