Healthcare: Alternative - Press Releases

Critically Acclaimed Liver Cleanse Sheds off the Pounds and Restores Health for one Desperate User

In response to the recent demand for effective ways to lose weight and improve health, is announcing their website which is based on the life changing personal experience of its founder, Sean Burrows.

Revolutionary New Sexual Enhancement Herbal Supplement Combines the Best of Science and Tradition – Users Give Rave Reviews

For most men, suffering from a lack of sex-drive can lead to lowered self-esteem, hopelessness and an overall sense of listlessness. Fortunately, there are medications to help combat this issue. But, with all of the current sexual enhancing drugs on the market these days, it can be difficult to know what the best choice is for each person. For those men seeking a more natural solution, a new, ground-breaking herbal supplement called GH-2 has just been released.

Confido Himalaya – Natural Herbal Remedies for Premature Ejaculation and Infertility

Himalaya Herbals Confido is effective herbal medicine in treatment of Spermatorrhea, Premature ejaculation, Nocturnal emission and also best herbal remedies for male reproductive health and male fertility.

New Diet Tweaking System Maximizes Calorie Reduction While Eliminating the Need to be a Calorie Counter

A new guide available from the Website reveals how anyone can make simple and easy tweaks to their daily lives and lose as much as 500 calories a day. The guide is the counterweight to the persistent calorie counter approach that shows users how to achieve weight loss goals with no diet, no exercise and no gadgets to burn calories fast with just three easy tweaks to their daily life.

Website Offers Help and Hope to People Living with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, or CFS, is a “debilitating and complex disorder characterized by profound fatigue that is not improved by bed rest and that may be worsened by physical or mental activity.”

Cystone Himalaya – Natural Herbal Remedies for Kidney Stone, Kidney and Urinary Tract Health

Himalaya Herbals Cystone also known as UriCare is best combination of Natural Herbal Remedies for kidney stones and Renal Stones Treatment. It assists normal functioning of the kidneys and urinary tract.

Manjishtha Himalaya – Natural Herbal Remedies for Acne, Edema, Allergies and Skin Care

Manjishtha Himalaya herb or Rubia cordifolia helps in maintaining skin health. It is known as best blood purifier in the Ayurveda. It is well known natural herbal remedy on no. of skin diseases.

Nicotek, LLC Signs Brokerage Agreement With Mercury Retail Services

New Partnership Will Bring Electronic Cigarettes to Retail Stores and Outlets Around the U.S.

Secret Recipes Behind Ricola's Herbal Drops

The water content of the famous Ricola herbal drops made from Swiss mountain herbs needs to be carefully controlled during the entire production chain. For more than 20 years, Ricola has monitored this parameter with a volumetric Karl Fischer titrator from METTLER TOLEDO to ensure high quality of herbal products.

Himplasia Himalaya – Natural Herbal Remedies for Fertility, Erectile Dysfunction & Libido

Himalaya Himplasia is effective herbal medicine in treatment of erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation and also best herbal remedies for male reproductive health and vigor. Good for normal urinary bladder functioning.

Life Expectancy Predicted to Pass 100 Years By 2050

Scientists are researching ways to dramatically increase human lifespan through genetics, caloric restriction, and stem cell grown organ replacement. Anti Aging Den recently posted an article that is drawing a lot of attention for its take on how the longevity of the human race will increase due to advancing medical technologies.

Infertility Ivf Procedures: Do You Know the Difference

LogoIn vitro fertilization continues to be one of the most common methods of conception for couples who have had difficulty conceiving. During this process, a patient is injected with hormones that help the body produce multiple eggs each month, instead of just one, which is usual. Hormones increase production, and after a short time, tests are performed to determine whether they are ready to be retrieved for the procedure.

Weight Loss Surgery Website Gives Real, Unbiased Reviews of Some of the Most Popular Surgeries in the Industry- Users Give Rave Reviews

In response to the recent demand for detailed information on weight loss surgery, Weight Loss Surgery Now is proud to announce its website that boasts a huge database of unbiased resources concerning the procedure.

Rumalaya Forte Himalaya – Natural Herbal Cures for Arthritis, Back Pain and Gout

JointCare/Rumalaya Forte Himalaya herbal medicine is an effective anti-inflammatory analgesic with immune-modulatory action used in the treatment of Arthritis pain, Back Pain, Gout, Osteoarthritis and Spondylosis.

Weight Loss Solution Being Called the “Secret in Plain View,” Website Shows Users How to Burn 1,000 Calories Per Hour

As advances in technology make unhealthy food highly affordable and entertainment highly addictive, a record number of people are struggling with their weight- sometimes to the point of desperation. Exercise programs and trendy diet solutions come and go, and people are always looking for new and innovative ways to lose the weight without the hassle of most mainstream diets.

New Website Offers Free, In-Depth Information on How to Treat and Get Rid of Acne- Past Viewers Give Glowing Reviews

Most people don’t want to just get rid of acne; they want to get rid of it fast. Acne Avengers aims to provide the quickest acne treatment methods and techniques. Success in becoming acne-free in a short amount of time depends on several factors and the level of severity of a person’s acne.

Website Researches "Little Known" Low-Cost Acne Treatments Specifically for this Recession...Customers Fire Back Glowing Reviews

Acne is a very common skin condition that can be temporarily disfiguring. In general, teenagers seem to be especially susceptible to acne breakouts. Every year, millions of teens head to the dermatologist in a desperate effort to get rid of the pimples and blackheads that—to their embarrassment—often cover much of their face. And, every year, millions of parents develop a case of "sticker shock" when they see the bill for how much their child’s acne treatment is going to cost....Medications, lasers, and light treatments are exorbitantly expensive! teaches consumers how to treat their acne, for around $3-$5 dollars per month.

Haircare Multi Laser Brush Sees Explosive Sales Growth

The Haircare Multi laser Hair Brush continues to see growing sales in both Australia and the United States. The technology has been scientifically proven to help reduce and reverse c, the affordable solution is designed for both men and women.

Immune Support Product "Lauricidin" Raising the Eyebrows of the Medical Field with its Highly Effective and Highly Affordable Pearlized Supplement

Lauricidin®, and immune support dietary supplement, has been getting a lot of attention from the health industry lately for its effectiveness, low cost and purified composition as compared to its popular counterpart, Capsulated Monolaurin.

Is the Flash Lamp Effective for Hair Removal?

There are many people who have unwanted hair and look for procedures that are simple yet effective to remove them. One such procedure to remove hair is the flash lamp. The Flash Lamp is a method that uses Xenon flash lamps that has been used by people all over the world. Actually, the Xenon flash lamp was the energy source used with laser beams that were initially used to treat skin and eye disorders. Various studies with these flash lamps have determined that it was also effective for hair removal.

Is it Really Possible to Lose 1-2 Pounds a Day and Not Feel Hungry? hCG Diet Drops Are the Secret to Quick and Painless Weight Loss

With obesity at epidemic proportions, many people are eagerly looking for safe and effective ways to quickly shed excessive pounds and improve both their health and their appearance. The hCG diet, available from, has allowed hundreds of happy customers the opportunity to lose an impressive 1-2 pounds a day, all while not feeling uncomfortable hunger pangs.

Cleansing Diet Website Shows Why Nutritional Cleansing Could Be the Healthiest, Most Powerful Weight Loss Method on the Market, a website that specializes in nutritional cleansing, has been getting a lot of attention lately from the weight loss community. Some of the studies, research and reviews highlighted on the website are generating considerable interest from natural health practitioners and the medical community.

DR. Jules Nabet’s Slimming Act Perfect for Summer Headline:

Dr. Jules Nabet, a leading doctor in aesthetic medicines practicing in his clinics in Paris and London, produces a variety of world-class, high-end skin care products that have taken Europe by storm. Now available in the States and just in time for summer, his body-contouring product called Slimming Act is no exception and is even used by stars such as Victoria Beckham, Natalie Portman and Kate Hudson.

Demand Skyrockets for Innovative Hair Restoration Method

DermHair Clinic, with offices in Redondo Beach and Los Angeles, is experiencing unprecedented demand due to its innovative FUE hair transplant procedure.

Brand New Weight Loss Website Offers Detailed Weight loss Tips and Secrets- Groundbreaking Diet Strategies Revealed

Answering the increased demand for effective fat burning tips, Guide to Losing Fat is announcing the release of its new website that gives users a wealth of information for how to lose belly fat.