Press Releases From 09/17/2014 Until 09/17/2014

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Curcumin Supplements Reduce Suffering of Psoriatic Arthritis Patients

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has reported that one in every five adults in the United States suffer from doctor-diagnosed arthritis. The prevalence of arthritis has resulted in the massive production of pain relief options such as drugs and supplements.

BioGanix Organic Pure Yacon Root Extract Promises to Solve Weight Issues Once and for All

While many weight loss supplements suffer from quality issues due to the use of low quality and unproven ingredients, the BioGanix Organic Pure Yacon Root Extract has years of research behind its use of premium ingredients. The Yacon Root Extract, a natural supplement with organic ingredients, leaves room for absolutely no safety concerns as it has natural regulatory and metabolism boosting properties. In fact, independent clinical studies have also proven now that the Yacon Syrup has incredible weight loss properties that are owed to its metabolism boosting capabilities. Announce the Launch of the Site's Carry-on Luggage Reviews Section, to Help Shoppers Find That Perfect Piece of Luggage

The site, at, now includes luggage reviews, along with product picks and handy packing tips – making it a one-stop-shop before any vacation or trip!

White Mulberry Leaf Extract Now Delivers Weight Loss and Helps Diabetic Patients Control Blood Sugar Levels

With millions of people suffering from its unrelenting and often painful symptoms, diabetes is rated as one of the world’s most widely prevalent health problems. According to the most recent findings of the American Diabetes Association at, the number of Americans suffering from Diabetes is a whopping 29.1 million (9.3% of the population). While this figure paints a gloomy picture, what’s more worrying is the fact that the number of patients suffering from diabetes and obesity has only be increasing with time. Hence, as healthcare pills and drugs have failed to bring about successful results, eyes have turned to BioGanix’s White Mulberry Leaf Extract which guarantees successful results. Made from the finest natural ingredients, the White Mulberry Lead Extract claims to help patients fight diabetes in a better manner without the constant need to monitor blood sugar levels.

A Secret Diet Program Designed to Melt the Stubborn Accumulated Fat in the Body

Flatter stomach, trimmed waistlines, increased metabolism, high energy levels, major fat loss in hips, thighs, belly and buttocks, etc. are just some of the results that can be achieved by individuals who follow “The 3 Week Diet” Program. Individuals who have followed this system have experienced a major drop in their dress sizes as well as melting the most stubborn fat from the most difficult areas of the body and losing 23 pounds or more of body fat that too in 21 days. This 3 Week Diet program is a revolutionary diet system that guarantees results.

Proven Trading System Becomes Available to the Mass Market

More people than ever before are able to make profitable trades on a regular basis thanks to a new system of trading. Black Box trading from gives new and experienced traders the confidence and insight to make fast, reliable trades that pay off well.

Overview of Anti-Aging Treatments Features in New Dr Barry Lycka Video

LogoAnti-Aging treatments are the focus of this week’s short educational video from Edmonton cosmetic dermatologist, Dr Barry Lycka.

Xarelto Acute Coronary Syndrome Market Analysis & Forecasts to 2023

Logo“Xarelto (Acute Coronary Syndrome) Forecast and Market Analysis to 2023?. The current ACS market primarily comprised of antithrombotics, antihypertensives, and statins is flush with well-established standard-of-care therapies, many of which are generic. Therefore, the pipeline therapies that show the most promise exploit novel mechanisms of action and target orphan biochemical pathways. The ACS market will be driven by an aging population with a preponderance of lifestyle-based diseases, such as obesity, and the growing prevalence of metabolic disorders such as diabetes. The expansion of biologics into the ACS mainstream during the ten year forecast period is expected to significantly and fundamentally alter the ACS market, both medically and financially.

New Teeth in One Day with ZirTeeth Only at One&Only Dentistry

There are many individuals who have missing teeth or are suffering from gum diseases or have uncomfortable dentures. Some of them might also be unsuccessful in getting dental implants because they have been told that they do not have a bone to support the process. For those who are looking for a perfect solution and want to have new teeth in one day, One and Only Dentistry offers the perfect solution for such individuals. It is one of those great dental implant centers in Las Vegas that specializes in Oral Surgery, General Dentistry and Orthodontist services.

First European Paleo Conference "HEALTH Unplugged" Set for London, England

HEALTH Unplugged aims to satisfy the curiosity for knowledge around The Paleo Diet by hosting the UK’s first ancestral health and well-being conference on Paleo nutrition, fitness, and lifestyle, targeting the issues pertinent to a UK audience. The conference will take place at the Kensington Close Hotel, Kensington, London, on 25 October 2014.

Calagary Demolition Services Announces the Formation of a Division Focused on Swimming Pool Demolition and Landscape Services

LogoCommenting on the creation of this new division, Calgary Demolition Founder and CEO Scott K. Calgary declared: "With the now constant drumbeat about drought conditions in Alberta Canada and the long-term investment that requires constant spending on pool maintenance, supplies and rising water costs, the demolition of unwanted pools has become an in-demand service for real estate owners. From owners of single family homes, to owners of thousands of apartment units, our pool demolition and landscape services division can address the concerns and needs of homeowners and apartment owners who are no longer willing to pay the high price of maintaining a pool."

Philosopha Debuts "Strong" Music Video and Long-Awaited "Too Dope" Album

LogoWith a newly released single behind him, Philosopha has announced the release of his much anticipated debut album, Too Dope. The new album is 14-tracks of bass thumping, high-energy modern day hip hop featuring the Chicago rapper’s hit single, “Strong” – the official music video for “Strong” debuts today and can be viewed on YouTube. To grab your copy of Too Dope visit: – an exclusive DJ version is also available at

Acclaimed Singer-Songwriter Jay Jacobson to Debut New Album, "The Ride"

LogoFrom his eloquently smooth vocals and beautifully arranged songs, to the variety of sounds offered in his music, acclaimed singer-songwriter Jay Jacobson’s new CD, “The Ride” delivers a one-of-a-kind experience of emotional trip-hop, electronic dance and soulful ballads framed by exquisite pop-infused orchestrations. Jacobson’s fifth studio album, “The Ride” features 11 all-original songs that perfectly channel the highs and lows of life expressed through the purity of his voice and thought provoking lyrics. “The Ride” will debut on Tuesday, October 14th on iTunes, Amazon, CD Baby and several other online retail outlets.

Retractable Banner Stands US Offers New Pop Up Displays and Table Throws for Trade Events

Brand identity is one of the most important strategic elements of a growing business, and the easiest way to increase the visibility of a brand is by catching the eye of those who pass by a business, no matter the location. Branded signage is one thing, but established businesses put their brand on everything from the pens to the table cloths, especially when trying to impress at trade shows and other events. Retractable Banner Stands US specializes in creating affordable branded stands, flags, pop up signs and more, and has just released a new range of affordable displays and table throws.

Huber & Palsir, LLC Hearing Cases Related to Medical Malpractice This Fall 2014

LogoEvery day of the year individuals are putting their trust in doctors and medical professionals to heal an injury or illness. When mistakes are made and illnesses are misdiagnosed, Huber & Palsir, LLC is announcing they will hear cases related to medical malpractice this fall 2014 season. There are many instances where a physician is accused of negligence, but it remains a complex situation.

Hytrol Conveyor Announced EZLogic System Applications

LogoJim Sutherin, Bastian Solutions’ Project Engineer, discussed the versatility of the Hytrol EZLogic conveyor in Hytrol’s recent blog. Sutherin explained the EZLogic product is capable of filling many applications.

Mike Brammer Serves Magline Customers and Dealers in North Carolina

LogoMagline, makers of innovative lightweight route distribution solutions, announced a strategy to best serve customers and dealers in North Carolina with innovation including best practices and local customer responsiveness. The Mid Atlantic Region includes North Carolina and is managed by Regional Sales Executive Mike Brammer.

No Risk Automation Newsletter Issue Number 6 Will Explore the Best Time to Adopt AGVs

The sixth issue of “No Risk Automation” (a monthly e-newsletter) due out October 13th, will explore the question many operation managers of manufacturing plant floors and distribution centers (DCs) ask. Is it time for the current AGV (automated guided vehicle) system to be replaced? There are certain instigating factors that drive AGV replacement. When the current AGV system no longer meets production requirements and cannot be expanded without substantial cost and complexity, it may tip the scale towards replacement.

Issue 7 of Picking Perfection Newsletter Will Address Pick Cart Effectiveness

LogoThe seventh issue of “Picking Perfection” (a weekly e-newsletter) to be released September 22, 2014 reports the results of pick cart’s effectiveness in Distributed Centers (DCs). After three months of testing ten carts, the overall results were impressive. Picking productivity increased 36%. The error-free rate was reduced from 97.5% to 99.5%. Training time was reduced to less than one day.

Manufacturing Employee Engagement and Retention Profiled in Business Excellence Magazine

The relationship between employee engagement and retaining skilled employees is explored in the current issue of Business Excellence. According to Louise Dickmeyer, President of PDP Solutions, “Engaged employees produce quality products causing a direct impact on manufacturers’ bottom line. Increased employee engagement can be evaluated by the attention paid to customers, product quality, colleagues, and employer’s interests. Engaged employees are healthier, take fewer sick days, arrive for work on time more often, spend less time looking at the clock, and focus more on work excellence.”

Sunshine Contracting Corporation Announces Promotion for Leaf Protection Gutter Installs in Preparation for Upcoming Fall 2014 Season

LogoAn award winning exterior remodeling company, Sunshine Contracting Corporation is pleased to announce their gutter installation promotion in preparation for the upcoming fall 2014 season. Gutters are a central component in assuring the home is protected from water damage, and with the leaves falling, it is important for homeowners to consider leaf protection systems. The current offer for gutter services in Fairfax County, Virginia include up to 20% off.

As South Jersey Residents Say Goodbye to High Temperatures, They Turn to McAllister...The Service Company for HVAC Services This Fall

Google Searches for HVAC has grown 20% in the past week with many families preparing for the winter season. One company receiving the benefits of the growth in online search is McAllister… The Service Company which provides affordable services for air conditioning and heating in Oceanville and surrounding areas in South Jersey. As the company works throughout the day to answer as many questions as possible, they continue to explain to customers a few easy ways to prepare their HVAC system for winter.

Death by Captcha Explains Why Skipping the CAPTCHA Is Worth It

LogoCAPTCHA had been in existence for more than a decade since the start of the World Wide Web. It is a Turing Test which means Completely Automated Public Turing Test to tell Computers and Humans Apart. Basically, CAPTCHA is a kind of a challenge-response test used to determine if the computer’s user is a human being. It also separates and distinguishes a computer user as a human from a machine. CAPTCHA is well-known to protect computer users from spam and any unsolicited messages which detects another computer or machine as the source. It is also used as a protection for a user’s security for forgotten passwords and site logins. However, there are reports wherein these Turing Tests which separates a human from a machine is now also being passed by computers.

Why Securing Vital Information by Removing CAPTCHA Is Essential According to Death by Captcha

LogoCAPTCHA is the shortened term for a somewhat long type of a challenge-response test used in computers and the internet these days, Completely Automated Public Turing Test to tell Computers and Humans Apart.To define Turing Test more specifically, it is a kind of test which differentiate a machine and a human’s ability from each other. It tests the abilities of a machine to exhibit intelligent behaviour which are equivalent to or distinguishable from humans. CAPTCHA’s are created to avoid spamming machines from posting on websites where they are not solicited.

Hydraulic Breaker Services LLC Now Featuring Tramac Hydraulic Breakers on Website

LogoHydraulic Breaker Services LLC is pleased to announce they are now featuring Tramac hydraulic breakers and hydraulic hammers on their website. Tramac has spent the last 35 years earning a reputation for designing and producing only the highest-quality hydraulic breakers in the world. Consumers involved in the aggregate stone, demolition and mining industries rely on the trusted name of Tramac in order to perform their job functions. All Tramac breakers feature longer working life, lower maintenance and more innovative designs than any other breaker on the market.