Social and Consumer: Religion - Press Releases

The Universal Life Church World Headquarters - Unconditional Outreach That Knows No Boundary

LogoDo you need food, clothing, housing, medical care, crisis intervention, information & etc?

Universal Life Church Ordains Men or Women, but What About Women Not Looking for Ordination? Let Us Introduce the Sisters of the Divine Savior

LogoThe Universal Life Church World Headquarters for years has ordained both men or women baptized within the Christian faith. However they also realize that despite the opportunity to do so many women may prefer a more traditional vocation as that of a Sister or more commonly referred to as a Nun. Wherefore the Universal Life Church World Headquarters would like to introduce the Sisters of the Divine Savior.

Broadening Its Horizons the Universal Life Church World Headquarters Gets Ready to Launch Daytime Programming

LogoThe Universal Life Church World Headquarters has announced it will be adding a daytime schedule for the ULC Radio Network.

Roe Vs Wade, The Universal Life Church World Headquarters Almost 40 Years Later Joins Forces With Jane Roe to End Abortion

LogoSince 1973's Roe vs Wade, 50 million babies have been aborted, murdered. Today the Universal Life Church World Headquarters and Norma McCorvey (Jane Roe) announces they join together to end abortion. Together they invite you to watch this video and join with them to put an end to this huge mistake. It is time to rewrite the history books.

With Millions Upon Millions of Online Followers the Universal Life Church World Headquarters Is Setting the Cyberspace Bar for Churches

LogoIn 1996 the Universal Life Church World Headquarters set off on a new pathway for Churches, now 15+ years later with millions upon millions of online followers, led by Internet guru Brother Michael the Universal Life Church has tapped into the power of the world wide web like an elite few. With 1000's of Ministers, Affiliate Churches and with online websites a new day has dawned offering a more mobile Church Service(s) than ever before. Just as effective, if not more than ever before these Churches are able to reach out and help more in depth to far more than ever before, stretching to every corner of the globe and to the ends of the earth the Good News of Christ is being shared and introduced at a record pace more than ever. Christianity and the message of Jesus Christ has been empowered by the dawn of new technology and the internet.

Introducing the Universal Life Church Bulletin (Formerly Called the Official Universal Life Church Newsletter)

LogoAs of this weekend the Universal Life Church World Headquarters introduces the Universal Life Church Bulletin. The ULC Bulletin will take the place of the Official Universal Life Church Newsletter.

Announcing: The Universal Life Church Radio Archives for the Week Ending April 29th, 2012, Courtesy of the Universal Life Church World Headquarters

LogoUniversal Life Church World Headquarters, the "Church Heard Around The World!" The Universal Life Church Radio has been a HUGE SUCCESS since being launched in December of 2011, people from throughout the world are taking note enjoying and benefiting from the great diversification of programming offered. If you missed your favorite show this past week from the Universal Life Church Radio Network Prime Time Schedule, captioned below you will find an archived encore performance of each of the respective shows

Now Available in 50+ Different Languages and a Bi-Lingual Home Office in the Horizon the Universal Life Church World Headquarters Sets Its Sights on Global Expansion

LogoThe Universal Life Church World Headquarters recently announced that its website for the Universal Life Church Radio Network is now available in 50+ different languages. They are working on such a transition for their main Church website as well. In addition the Universal Life Church World Headquarters looks to add personel at the World HQ location who are fluent in both English and Spanish as the Universal Life Church World Headquarter looks to expand with a Corporate Headquarters not just in Canada, but south of the border as well.

Michael A Nardi Teacher of Reiki - Welcomed by the Universal Life Church World Headquarters and the ULC Radio Network

LogoContinuing in their long standing tradition, The Universal Life Church World Headquarters offers diversification with respect to methods of prayer and/or worship by practitioners of the Christian Faith. In accord with the ULC's Embrace of all denominations from within the Christian Faith, the Universal Life Church World Headquarters makes the following announcement.

Sold out Crowd: Gospel Music Lovers Packed the Allstate Gospel Superfest!

On March 23, 2012, gospel music lovers flocked in droves to the 2012 Allstate Gospel Superfest in support of its live television taping, which took place for the first time ever in Memphis, TN. The event was held at the Temple of Deliverance Church of God in Christ, 369 G. E. Patterson Ave, Memphis, TN 38126. Celebrity actress Vivica A. Fox hosted this year's extravaganza with charisma and poise.

Introducing Online Sunday Service, Devotions and Bible Study Direct from the Universal Life Church World Headquarters

LogoThe Universal Life Church World Headquarters like all Churches offers weekly Sunday Service, a long with Wednesday Night Devotions and Bible Study.

Facts and Figures Pertaining to the Universal Life Church and Who Is the Only Universal Life Church World Headquarters

LogoUnfortunately we live in a day and age where Churches have similar names, for example: Christ the King, St Johns, St Lukes, Universal Life and others. The only world headquarters for the Universal Life Church as documented by the IRS, Secretary of State, or viewed as by the Courts, State, County and Government Agencies is the Universal Life Church World Headquarters, Inc. of Carrabelle, FL. In fact it can be said the Catholic Church actually derived its name from this Church.

Announcing: The Universal Life Church Radio Archives for the Week Ending April 22nd, 2012, Courtesy of the Universal Life Church World Headquarters

LogoUniversal Life Church World Headquarters, the "Church Heard Around The World!" The Universal Life Church Radio has been a HUGE SUCCESS since being launched in December of 2011, people from throughout the world are taking note enjoying and benefiting from the great diversification of programming offered. If you missed your favorite show this past week from the Universal Life Church Radio Network Prime Time Schedule, captioned below you will find an archived encore performance of each of the respective shows

Introducing Real Seminary Courses With Real Professors from the Universal Life Church World Headquarters

LogoUniversal Life Church World Headquarters ~ Today's Christian Church For The Way People Pray Today.

Tim Tebow Is Looking at Getting Ordained by the Christian Universal Life Church World Headquarters

LogoThe Universal Life Church World Headquarters has been linked as the most likely destination after football for NY Jets QB Tim Tebow, this based on a story in the Christian Post where Tim Tebow acknowledges his desire to become a Minister once his playing days are finished.

Universal Life Church World Headquarters Comes Full Circle Back to Its Roots

LogoThere is but one Universal Life Church, however many attempt to utilize the name. Despite such attempts to take credit where credit is not due, with the origin of the name "Universal Life Church" there can be no mistake. The word Universal comes from the Greek language, it is an adjective meaning katholikos. Universal (Life) Church was the first name associated with the first Christian Roman Church within the 2nd century, it is the name the Roman Catholic Church derived its name from. Universal Life Church is defined; The One Church of Christ or The One Non-Denominational Church of Christ. ALL CHRISTIAN CHURCHES including the Roman Catholic Church spun off the original UNIVERSAL (LIFE) CHURCH. The Universalist Church or Universalism is a spin off from the Universal (Life) Christian Church as well.

Today's Christian Church for the Way People Pray Today ~ Universal Life Church World Headquarters, Inc. USA

LogoPeople speak of how Church attendance is declining and in correlation they make assumption Christianity is declining as well. Is Christianity really on the decline, or is it folks today are just changing the way they look to pray?

Introducing Church Charters and/or Congregation Affiliation With the Universal Life Church World Headquarters

LogoThe Universal Life Church World Headquarters Introduces Both Church Charters & Congregational Affiliations

Announcing: The Universal Life Church Radio Archives for the Week Ending April 15th, 2012, Courtesy of the Universal Life Church World Headquarters

LogoUniversal Life Church World Headquarters, the "Church Heard Around The World!" The Universal Life Church Radio has been a HUGE SUCCESS since being launched in December of 2011, people from throughout the world are taking note enjoying and benefiting from the great diversification of programming offered. If you missed your favorite show this past week from the Universal Life Church Radio Network Prime Time Schedule, captioned below you will find an archived encore performance of each of the respective shows

Universal Life Church Announcement - URGENT Mass Murderer on the Lose in Florida - Law Enforcement Refuses to Apprehend

LogoUniversal Life Church World Headquarters announces URGENT Mass Murderer on the Lose. The ULC says to please use extreme caution if you should come in contact, this individual is unarmed but very dangerous.

Universal Life Church, ULC Seminary, Theology, Academy - More Seminary Courses Added Courtesy of the Universal Life Church World Headquarters

LogoThe Universal Life Church World Headquarters Announces Two New Courses to its ULC Seminary Curriculum, History of Christian Theology and The Catholic Church: A History

Prime Time ULC Radio Network Schedule Announced and Past Week Archives Released by the Universal Life Church World Headquarters for Their Worldwide Universal Life Church Radio Network

LogoThe Universal Life Church Radio has been a HUGE SUCCESS since launched in December of 2011, people from throughout the world are taking note enjoying and benefiting from the great diversification of programming offered. ULC Radio Network announces further expansion of their prime time schedule as follows; Joining the Universal Life Church Radio Network is Rev. Eric Carpenter on Monday Night with Sacred Fire Ministries. Also, Rev. Mark Thibeault joins the ULC Radio lineup on Friday Night with Celtic Circle of Faith.

The Universal Life Church World Headquarters Announces Its Worship Schedule for the Easter Holiday Weekend

LogoThe Universal Life Church World Headquarters invites all to join in our worship services for the Easter Season. Even if you can't join us in person you can join us on radio throughout the world.

While Others Concentrate on Ordaining Celebrities the Universal Life Church World Headquarters Seeks Real Ministers for Real Ordination

LogoThe Universal Life Church World Headquarters wants to reaffirm its commitment to the sacrament of ordination and that the ULC World HQ only wants to ordain folks serious about becoming disciples of Christ and Real Ministers.

The Universal Life Church Now Offers a Money Back Guarantee, Yes a Church With a Money Back Guarantee

LogoThe Universal Life Church World Headquarters famous for ordaining any baptized man or woman today announced a 100% Money Back Guarantee on Ministry Credentials.