Press Releases From 05/25/2012 Until 06/13/2024

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Survey Optimizes Convenience Stores Performance Attracting New Business

LogoDelivering Excellence newsletter reported that the National Association of Convenience Stores (NACS) recently issued a resource to help convenience stores defend their turf and attract new business. A family-owned convenience store company in the Midwest recently found the answers it sought by employing a survey from Playbook for Success. By using the survey, the retailer discovered that customers were not aware of price promotions throughout the store, and that competitors were offering more compelling deals. Once armed with such insights, the c-store operator was then in the position to take action to make improvements. Retailers seeking other ways to position their operations for success may want to utilize direct store delivery (DSD). While it can be an expensive route to market for suppliers, it can produce powerful advantages for convenience retailers — particularly if it includes visits from a professional team supporting both business development and product replenishment. Smaller outlets can receive extra value from this approach, benefitting from the opportunity to learn first-hand about the brands, packages and promotions that are successful in the convenience retail channel.

Employee Owned US Manufacturer Encouraged Personal Accountability and Changed Culture

Manufacturers' Pain Points newsletter reported that American Roll Form (ARF) made a significant decision about their business changing the company DNA forever. They decided to offer an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP). ESOP encourages personal accountability for all employees and gives the company team incentives to make operations more efficient, pursue growth opportunities and help the customers succeed. This individual ownership permeates the quality production, innovative thinking and hardworking service that ARF employees offer. At its most basic level, an ESOP is an employee-benefit plan. ESOPs are commonly used to create a monetary account for closely held stock of its shareholders, to help motivate and reward employees by giving them financial stake in the company, and to take advantage of different tax incentives. Once an ESOP purchases the balance of all company shares, it can say that it is 100% employee-owned. ARF is proud to be 100% employee-owned and operated.

Recession and Natural Disasters Explain Flat Inventory Levels

LogoForecast Errors newsletter reported that Dan Gilmore, Editor-in-Chief of Supply Chain Digest, discussed the inventory-to-sales ratio, as tracked by the US government. It measures on-hand inventory levels against one month's worth of sales. Other than the wild gyration in 2008-09 associated with the great recession, inventory levels have been flat for a decade, even gently rising in the past few years. There is a general bias in the last few years towards top line revenue growth, relatedly SKU proliferation and new product introductions, and longer offshore supply chains. But more provocatively, many companies may have simply hit an inventory wall within the context of their current supply chain designs. The imperative to map and model a company's supply chain took on extra urgency after the events of 2012 - earthquake and tsunami in Japan and massive flooding in Thailand, which caused huge supply chain disruptions.

Illinois Business Lawyers Advise on State's New Retirement Savings Plan

At the beginning of the 2015, Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn signed a law that will require most businesses in the state to adopt a retirement savings plan for employees. According to The Chicago Tribune, the law requires that all businesses that have been operating for at least two years and have at least 25 employees must offer workers an individual retirement savings option by June 2017.

Phoenix Bankruptcy Lawyers: Help Start a New Life

Ariano & Reppucci, PLLC, the leading Phoenix Bankruptcy Lawyers, help lead individuals to financial freedom and start a new life.

Dawn Bennett, Host of Radio Show "Financial Myth Busting," Interviews Nomi Prins, Renowned Journalist, Author, and Speaker

BENNETT: Nomi Prins is renowned journalist, author and speaker. Before becoming a journalist, Nomi worked on Wall Street as a managing director at Goldman Sachs, ran the international analytics group as a senior managing director at Bear Stearns in London, as well working as a strategist at Lehman Brothers and an analyst at Chase Manhattan Bank. In her latest book All the Presidents' Bankers: The Hidden Alliances that Drive American Power, Prins writes about an elite group of men that has transformed the American economy and government throughout the 20th century. The books spans from the Panic of 1907 and the creation of the Federal Reserve, through two World Wars, as well as the question of whether American financial power today is in decline, which is where I want to start. Nomi, welcome to Financial Myth Busting.

Davis Brothers Chimney Sweep and Complete Masonry Now Offering Masonry Repair Services This Winter

LogoAs the temperatures have constantly changed from warm to freezing, various fixtures of a house have undergone a great deal of stress. During the warmer days, water can find microscopic cracks and become trapped. When the night falls and the temperature dips below the freezing point, the water turns to ice and expands. The expansion can turn an unnoticeable crack into an eyesore that now threatens the structural integrity of the chimney. Restoring homes to their unblemished appearance, Davis Brothers Chimney Sweep and Complete Masonry is offering their masonry repair services this winter.

Executive Auto Salon Announces Availability for Auto Body Repair

LogoAs the winter continues to drop layers of ice, drivers everywhere have slowed down during their commutes. While cautious driving will reduce the chance of an accident, cars are still subject to losing traction and colliding with other vehicles and objects. Restoring cars and trucks to their original conditions, Executive Auto Salon has announced that they have availabilities for auto body repair. From dented rims to dinged trunks, they can fix any damage to the vehicle's body.

Random Thoughts the Diary of a Rude Girl: Compelling Journal of Rhymes & Letters Reaches out to Millions with Undiagnosed Mental Illness

There's no way to hide from the statistics, 10% of North Americans are walking around with undiagnosed mental illness. As someone once in that camp, Donna P.K.S. knows how soul-destroying it can be; enough that it almost drove Donna to destroy herself.

Immigration Lawyers Help Qualified Immigrants Obtain Work Permits in the Twin Cities

As immigration reform continues to be in the line of fire, small business owners in the St. Paul and Minneapolis areas are still concerned over the legal requirements that pertain to their immigrant employees. Some are anxious about how the deportation reprieves will play out for them — especially on the heels of a major increase in immigration audits since 2009 and are looking to immigration lawyers to protect both their businesses and valued employees.

The Lindenberger Group Now Offering HR Outsourcing to Mercer County Businesses

LogoAs the trend in recent years has been for businesses to move away from having a dedicated human resource department, employees' issues have fallen on management. Allowing managers to focus on their core responsibilities, The Lindenberger Group is now offering HR outsourcing to Mercer County Businesses. They will provide the company with a dedicated and experienced HR consultant on a regular or as-needed basis.

Deborah Finn's Rittenhouse Jewelers Now Helping Customers Find the Perfect Valentine's Day Gift

LogoWith Valentine's Day quickly approaching, many are scrambling to figure out what to get their significant other. A romantic dinner and flowers are commonplace for the holiday, but many like to go the extra distance and also have a gift ready. Putting an end to the search, Deborah Finn's Rittenhouse Jewelers are now helping customers find the perfect Valentine's Day gift. The jewelry store has ensured clients had a stunning present to give to a loved one for almost four decades.

Miami Beach Paradise on 8200 Hawthorn Avenue

LogoThe Zeder Team, leading experts in Coral Gables Real Estate, is proud to be listing 8200 Hawthorne Avenue, a beautiful NorthBeach gem priced at $1.675 million.

Executive Maids Now Offering Special Promotion for New Clients

LogoAfter the holidays, many are taking a DIY approach to cut back on spending and help their bank accounts recover. One chore that homeowners often find they cannot complete on their own is the full range of tasks that are associated with house cleaning duties. Providing residents with cleaner homes while keeping more money in their pockets, Executive Maids is now offering a special promotion for new clients. Their cleaners will have the house looking as clean and fresh before the holiday rush.

Dallas Employment Lawyers Advise Employers on Recent Flu Epidemic

The recent flu outbreak in Dallas raises questions of how employers should respond, including what to do if a sick employee insists on coming to work, and what to do if a seemingly healthy employee prefers to stay home. Therefore it is important that every business employer consult with legal counsel long before they run into any of these issues.

Tax Specialist Reveals How to Find a 2014, 2015 W2 Form Online

Traverse City Tax Preparation Examiner Frank Ellis has published an article revealing where taxpayers can find the 2014, 2015 W2 form online. One of the most important tax documents, the author and tax specialist reveals, it should be received by taxpayers from the companies they work for. The form typically comes in the mail before January 31.

Wizard Fashions Extraordinary Superhero out of the Unequaled Traditions of "Knights-of-Old"

LogoSuperheroes capture our imaginations. Superheroes inspire a purity of beliefs in positive, self-effacing conduct. Superheroes simplify the distinction between good and evil, even when circumstances are complicated.

Ebay Redemption Codes in February 2015 Listed on

Ebay has a vast amount of discounts and promotions going on because of the large magnitude of items for sell on the platform, its this reason why they work with many website owners to share with their visitors the latest and greatest eBay discount codes and deals, these websites such as will be contacted through email after proper approval and assessment. The email will be inclusive of the newest promo codes and deals, which are issued weekly for the access of all visitors to the websites of the partners.

AnyFlip Announces Interactive Flip Book Maker for Magazines, Catalogs, Brochures & More

The digital publishing software company, AnyFlip has developed a feature-rich flip book maker that offers new possibilities for e-publishers, internet marketers and others. One can easily use the software for creating impressive digital flipbooks and can distribute them on the web. The digital content can be accessed using a variety of computing devices, from desktops to handheld smartphones. This way, the software allows content publishers to reach their target audience at anytime and anywhere in the world.

LGI Transport, LCC Weighs in on Purchasing Versus Renting Shipping Containers

With storage containers being the standard for shipping cargo, business owners face a difficult decision when it comes to these units. They need to figure out if it is a better investment to buy or rent the container. Making the choice easier, LGI Transport, LCC has weighed in on purchasing versus renting shipping containers. Through their years as an industry leader, the company has developed a keen understanding of which option best suits specific businesses.

Miami Employment Lawyers Help Workers Obtain Flexible Work Arrangements

As more employees choose to work from home, companies are implementing new policies. More and more employees are taking advantage of cloud systems and online capabilities by working remotely from home. This may cause interesting new clauses in employee contracts created by Miami employment lawyers.

New Jersey Business Attorneys Help Employers on Recent Flu Epidemic

The recent flu outbreak raises questions of how employers should respond, including what to do if a sick employee insists on coming to work, and what to do if a seemingly healthy employee prefers to stay home. Therefore it is important that every business employer consult with legal counsel long before they run into any of these issues.

VINSmart Offers Advice on Buying a Used Vehicle

LogoFinding the right used car can be a difficult process that will lead to many hours in front of a computer screen and countless trips to different dealerships. Even with all of the hours dedicated to the search, the buyer could be disappointed with the car down the road. To make purchasing a car easier, VINSmart offers advice on buying a used vehicle. Those who follow the company's tips will be well on their way to getting the right car at the right price.

Fertility Specialist Website Publishes New Study on Yet Another Mass-Produced Chemical

A new study published on a fertility specialist website, argues that women exposed to high levels of the chemical BisPhenol A (BPA) may have their fertility reduced because of it.

Washington DC Tax Lawyers Warn Internet Companies and Independent Contractors About Tax Laws

With the expanse and breadth of the Internet, doing business nationally and internationally can help companies reach potential customers like never before. Unfortunately, many fail to consider the taxes that they will have to pay come April 15. As Tax Season gears up, Washington DC tax lawyers will have their hands full assisting those who have to maneuver through state and federal tax forms.