Press Releases For TX - Dallas-Plano-Irving (US)

Dallas Asphalt Paving Celebrating over 45 Years in Business

Dallas Asphalt Paving is excited to announce its 45th year as the most preferred asphalt paving company in the Dallas, Texas region.

Global Last Mile Logistics Market Trend, Application & Technology Advancement

Comprehensive Analysis Report of Last Mile Logistics Market 2020-2027

Progressive Christian Author and Spirituality Expert to Speak at World’s Largest Gay Church

Reece W. Manley, DD, M.Ed., CSTF-M., will be signing copies of his books at the Cathedral of Hope on January 10, 2010. The Cathedral of Hope is often referred to as the world’s biggest gay and lesbian church.The church is located in Dallas, Texas, and is a congregation of the United Church of Christ.

Achiever McBeaver Character Education Begins Production Work On Bullying Prevention Sequel

With the success of the Character Education series launched in August of 2008, the Achiever McBeaver educator team is set to roll out a new bullying prevention series. Like the original Achiever Radio series, the bullying prevention program will consist of 36 short “cartoon radio” episodes that are to be played weekly and the radio shows will continue to utilize the school PA/sound system for the main delivery of content. The radio shows have been highly successful across the country because of the program’s ease of use, simple delivery format, and time saving nature. In an economic time where counselors, teachers, and principals are stretched to do much more with much less, the Achiever Radio Programs are a fun and simple way to deliver school wide character values instruction without having to drain important time or resources from regular classroom instruction.

Watch Movies and Have a Fun Blast This Christmas With

Celebrate this Christmas like never before with the effortless access to download movies from all the genres at

One Suicide Diverted by Progressive Christian Book Spirit Thinking

The email arrived last week to last week with the news of a Holiday miracle. Here, with the permission of the writer, word for word:

Christian Writers Insider Report Available from Advocate USA Publishing Helps New Writers Enter Market

The average new writer will spend over $5,000 from the time they conceive their idea to the time they see a published work according to the Independent Publishers Resource Network. This includes writing, editing and pre-publishing preparation. From there, the average writer, the report says, goes on to spend another $2,500 to $10,000 to bring the book to the marketplace.

The American Professional Pastoral Counseling Association Enters Social Media for Consumer Education

The American Professional Pastoral Counseling Association has entered into online social media to better provide consumer advocacy and education.

Certified Spirit Thinking Facilitator Certification Now Available

Spirit Thinking® Professional Certification is now available to mental health professionals interested in offering the registered process to their clients in their practice.

Best Selling Author Michael E. McGrath And Business Decisions! Now Available On Amazon Kindle

Business Decisions! Is The Must Read Book For Anyone In Business Book Is The First In The Decide Better! Business Series

Michael E. McGrath, Award Winning Author Of The Decide Better! Book Series Appears On PBS

Helps To Bring Most Successful Pledge Drive of the Year - Decide Better! For a Better Life and Decide Better! For College Highlighted On Show That Spotlights Nation’s Youth

Christian Living Writer Reece Manley Donates Proceeds to Feed 400 Families

Author of Spirit Thinking and Crossing Twice Shows Spirituality Expertise Requires Compassion First

Delea Oil, A Beautiful Exotic Scent That Ignites The Passions Of The Spirit

Since the debut of this exotic blend in Dallas last year, DeLeá Signature Oil has been the choice of many environmentally conscious individuals. DeLeá signature gems, fragrance pearls and oil are already in the hands of celebrities , Oprah Winfrey, Paris Hilton, Miley Cyrus and Katherine Heigl, among others, who were some of the first to preview this highly sought after fragrance.

For The Holidays Give Her The Gift That Says I Love You Now And Always

Jennifer Cary Designs Offers Timeless and Exquisite Jewelry That Is Ideal For A Holiday Gift For The Woman In Your Life

Pastoral Counseling Online a New Special Offering of Famed Christian Self Help Author

Dr. Reece W. Manley, DD, M.Ed., MPM, author of Spirit Thinking: Your 30 Day Guide to Enlightenment has decided to being offering pastoral counseling online to accommodate the demand for personal interactions with readers. In addition to online pastoral counseling, Dr. Manley will being offering Spirit Thinking webinars in March 2010.

Online Pastoral Counseling Now Offered by Spirituality Expert Reece Manley

Christian Counseling and Spiritual Therapy are Applied to Traditional Psychology at

Top Psychiatrist Officially Endorses New Author Reece Manley As a Hospice Resource

“These books are alive with hope and inspiration. They are gifts for those about to cross and those who survive. Insights for those passing and comfort for those left behind. They are simply wonderful and I’m proud to endorse them,” says Dr. Dolenz, Fellow, American Psychiatric Association, giving his personal seal of approval on the works.

Spirituality Expert Reece Manley Finishes Crossing Twice Seminar Series for IANDS Group

Spirituality expert Reece Manley has finished a seminar series on his award-winning book Crossing Twice: Answers from the Source due out for presentation for the first time in February announced Advocate USA Publishing.

Oconee Medical Center Enjoys Physician Recruiting Success with The Carlisle Group

LogoOconee Medical Center has a long history of making a difference in the lives of families living in the foothills of Seneca, South Carolina. So when Director of Physician Services Susan Hilscher required a new gastroenterologist to round out her facility’s medical staff, she trusted to proven success of The Carlisle Group to fulfill her opportunity. With the help of TCG’s optimized procurement strategy, Oconee Medical Center will soon become the home of an experienced gastroenterologist from California.

New Christian Author Delivers Powerful New Christian Living Books to Spiritually Hungry Marketplace

Christian living is a new genre to publishers, but not to Christians who have been waiting for books to meet their spiritual needs. What is Christian living? Christian living refers to things from Christian self-help to Christian day to day living. A special new Christian living book shows the flexibility of the genre.

Tek-Tools Expands Global Reach Adding Mainline Information Systems as Authorized Reseller Partner

Mainline Leverages Profiler Suite First to Assess Customer Environments, Then to Manage Physical and Virtualized IT Resources to Maximize Operational Efficiency

Pastoral Counselor and Christian Living Author Reece Manley Gains Top Book Honors at Pacific Book Review

Crossing Twice: Answers from the Source is only one in a series of books inspired by Dr. Manley’s spiritually transformative experience.

Lucernex Technologies Hires Ken Brown as CIO and Executive Vice President, Product Management and Development

Lucernex Technologies, an innovative developer of business intelligence software for real estate management and development, announced today that it has hired Ken Brown as CIO and executive vice president of product management and development. In this role, Brown will oversee the development of all Lucernex applications including the Lucernex Integrated Workplace Management System (IWMS), which is currently managing hundreds of thousands of locations in the global retail, hospitality, engineering and construction industries, and Lucernex LseMod, which provides in-depth lease analytics for hundreds of corporate real estate executives and real estate brokers worldwide.

Dallas Christian Living Author Scores Top Book Review from Pacific Book Review with Crossing Twice

In an important moment for not only Christian living author Reece Manley but for the Christian living writing genre as a whole, Crossing Twice: Answers from the Source® has been selected as the Top Book of the Month by Pacific Book Reviews. The selection marks the first for the Christian living genre to be tapped for the honor.

Crossing Twice: Answers from the Source Continues to Gather Five Star Reviews

Crossing Twice: Answers from the Source continues to make rounds to major publishers while gathering incredible reviews.

Achiever McBeaver Character Education Announces Industry Leading 90 Day Money Back Guarantee!

In the fall of 2008, the educator design team at Achiever McBeaver radically changed the way elementary schools present Character Education material to students. Designing the program based on the needs of time crunched counselors and educators, Achiever Radio has become a fun, low cost, simple to use, and wide reaching method of creating behavior change in less than 8 total minutes per week. Because the “cartoon radio” program utilizes the school wide reach of the PA system and requires little time investment from staff members - within just one year - tens of thousands of elementary students are hearing the Achiever Radio program weekly.