Government Press Releases

Presidential Approval: Intense New Political Thriller Gives Vital Insight Into Work & Sacrifices of Nation's Counterterrorist Heroes

With recent air strikes in Iraq putting Islamic terrorism back on the radar of the average American, many are turning to related fiction to gain a deeper insight into the threats society faces and what is being done to fight them. While its pertinent timing wasn’t planned, Walter Blair’s ‘Presidential Approval’ is feeding the curiosity of thousands who demand compelling fiction that twists plenty of real-world fact into the fray.

United Nations Statistics Divistion's -Exclusive Interview with New Director Stefan Schweinfest

The United Nations Statistics Divisions’ new Director, Stefan Schweinfest, who was promoted to the post in July, has lost no time in gaining exposure for the valuable work carried out by the Department. A major profile and interview on the work of the UNSD has appeared in the Global Government Forum. This is a website aimed at senior government officials around the world.

Q & A with Author Dr. Ron Scott, Jr.

LogoIs the progressive movement in America dead?

Global Government Forum Obtained an Exclusive Interview with One of the Senior Figures Dealing with Cybersecurity, Brigadier General Gregory Touhill

Global Government Forum obtained an exclusive interview with one of the senior figures dealing with cybersecurity at the Department of Homeland Security. To Brigadier General Greg Touhill, the major cybersecurity threat is to the critical infrastructure, services like power, water and transport. Within that, the weak point lies in the industrial control systems.

Feldman Feldman & Associates, PC Now Offers Fast Legal Help for Obtaining EB-5 Investor Green Cards

Feldman Feldman & Associates, PC is committed to assisting clients throughout lengthy and complex immigration procedures including obtaining EB-5 Investor Green Cards. The EB-5 Investor Green Card visa enables a foreign born person to stay in the USA or get permanent residency by investing in a commercial enterprise in the U.S. The attorneys at Feldman Feldman & Associates, PC have the in-depth knowledge, skills and experience to provide fast and accurate guidance through the process for obtaining an EB-5 visa for their clients. In addition to the client, they also render their valuable legal professional assistance for obtaining a green card visa for the spouse and children of the EB-5 Investor green card visa holder.

Politically Active Tech Team Launching Game-Changer for Independents

Republicans. Democrats. Seems politics is making everyone seem like an ass while avoiding the truth about the herd of elephants in the room. One political movement, Independent by Choice hopes to change all that and has launched a Kickstarter campaign to 'Rise Above The Sheeple' and give the people a voice in politics again.

Rise of the Looney Bird: Hilarious New Political Comedy Novel Calls on Brain-Washing Technology to Prepare Inept Senator for Life in the Oval Office

Every voter hopes that their candidate of choice will triumphantly rise to become something of a political ‘superhero’. Of course, in reality, most elected to regional and national office fall from grace and do nothing but contribute to Washington’s endless chaos. However, a witty and insightful new novel by Ernest Pick sees this enigmatic political ‘superhero’ manifest himself; but it takes brainwashing, interactions with cults and still doesn’t provide the perfect leader laid out in Francis Henderson’s manifesto.

Political Pictionary - New Book Offers a 'Seasoned' View of Left-Right Politics

LogoTwo first-time writers have pooled their talents to publish a lighthearted look at American politics and its environment Titled "Political Pictionary", the book is available in paperback and Kindle versions on the Amazon website.

Chris Allen Meets with Prime Minister Stephen Harper

As an active entrepreneur and business owner, Chris Allen has met with many of the leaders of Toronto and the country as a whole.

Pinder Reaux Now Offers Impeccable Internet Legal Services Through Their Top-Notch Internet Business Lawyers

LogoPinder Reaux has now announced the availability of the best Internet Business lawyers within the industry. The law firm is all geared up to provide fast track legal services pertaining to internet defamation cases. Their vast pool of internet business lawyers are ready to provide diverse structure and strategized solutions in the areas of privacy law and defamation (which includes actions against hard copy publications and intellectual property cases such as copyright, passing of actions, internal and domestic trademarks and patent applications). The clients of Pinder Reaux have round-the-clock access to their lawyers.

30 Days: Fact & Fiction Fuse in Gritty & Razor-Sharp New Crime Novel, Exploring Possible 'Last Resort' Revenge as Result of Failing U.S. Justice System

An angry man looking for revenge isn’t new to fiction; this model has in fact become something of a literacy staple over the past sixty years. However, author G.R. Case takes it to the next level with a chillingly-real narrative that transcends thoroughbred fiction to explore how present-day crime levels and a seemingly casual U.S. justice system could literally shoot itself in the foot.

The United States of Empire: Controversial New Book Examines USA's Position as Imperial Force, Has the Mantle Been Passed over the Pond from Britain

From 1588 up until the late 1940s, the British Empire existed in various forms to hold political, societal and commercial authority over much of the world. However, according to historian and journalist James F. Dunn, the United States’ entry into WWI allowed it to take over the imperial force influence that Great Britain had boasted for hundreds of years. In his powerful new book, Dunn explains how it happened, why the world was mostly blind to this bold transition and how the present-day United States is an Empire in every sense of the word.

Feldman Feldman & Associates, PC Now Provides Highly Professional Legal Counsel for Deferred Action

Empowered by a team of top-notch and extremely experienced DACA attorneys, Feldman Feldman & Associates, a distinguished law firm, provides legal Counsel for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. These attorneys are committed to offering expert legal assistance to clients, enabling them to make cognizant decisions when applying for Deferred Action while managing the legal procedures on the client’s behalf. The team of skilled immigration attorneys at Feldman Feldman & Associates helps their clients come up with an effective plan to ensure hassle-free life in the USA, upon granting of Deferred Action.

Escondido Resident Named Toastmaster's Area Governor of the Year

Toastmasters International, the educational non-profit organization that teaches public speaking skills in 126 countries across the world has just announced the District 5 Area Governor of the Year Award. With a mission to “empower individuals to become more effective communicators and leaders,” districts within the organization help build new clubs and support all clubs in achieving excellence. When a member goes above and beyond the call of duty as District Governor, they are awarded Governor of the Year. This year's District 5 honoree is local speaker and Escondido businesswoman, Barbara Khozam.

Lamperd Less Lethal, Inc. Makes Innovations to Mobile Surveillance

LogoLamperd Less Lethal (LLLI) for over forty years has been devoted to researching and developing police force and military training equipment by observing and determining the organizations needs while they are out in the field. Working with the finest law enforcement and combat specialists, Less Lethal has developed some of the most superior quality equipment to making their job safer, less stressful and more efficient while they are in the field.

The Failing American Project: New Book Exposes Nation Stolen from 'The People' Shifting Blame from Political Leaders to the Citizens That Elected Them

Fletcher has a viewpoint on the nation and its society from true authority; having put aside his opinions to instead form conclusions based on hundreds of pieces of Governmental evidence. His findings are bleak; the American people sat by in silence as their once-great nation was stolen from them and the leaders they elected operated only for personal gain. In his new book, Fletcher outlines this rapid decline while empowering readers to stand up and take action.

Federal Unemployment Tax Form 940 Filing Requirements for Businesses Explained

The author of many tax articles and tax preparation expert, Frank Ellis, has presented a fresh perspective to an important topic for the 2014, 2015 tax season—the requirements for businesses in regards to the Federal Unemployment Tax.

Financial Myth Busting Radio Show Interviews Sidney Powell, Author of New Book, "Licensed to Lie: Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice"

Nationally Syndicated Financial Myth Busting Radio Show with Host Dawn Bennett, CEO of Bennett Group Financial Services, LLC, on July 27, 2014, interviewed Sidney Powell, author of the new book, "Licensed to Lie: Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice."

Even a Machiavellian U.S. Government Can't Hide the Financial Truth, Says Dawn Bennett, CEO of Bennett Group Financial Services

Even a Machiavellian U.S. Government can't hide the financial truth says Dawn Bennett, CEO of Bennett Group Financial Services, in her latest warning to investors.

Now Get the Service of Practiced Internet Defamation Lawyers and Fight Online Reputation Attack with Pinder Reaux

LogoThe constant upsurge in internet use is also accompanied by rising cases of internet defamation causing severe damage to the both business organizations and individuals enabling people to fight and erase online reputation attack. Pinder Reaux, a leading law firm now offers the services of practiced internet defamation lawyers.

On Global Reach, Zephyr Teachout Talks About Why the U.S. Supreme Court Is Dangerously Wrong on Corruption

Logo“The concept of corruption is at the center of the most vital legal dispute impacting the survival of US democracy, says Zephyr Teachout “one that threatens to unravel what the framers of [its] Constitution built.” As part of her series on “The Arrogance of Institutions,” Global Reach host Té Revesz interviews Teachout about the profound error at the core of the Supreme Court’s McCutcheon v. FEC decision and her powerful new book, Corruption in America (Harvard Press, September 2014).

Bi-Partisan Bill Set to Expand Treatment Options for Patients

LogoA new bill, H.R. 4755 (The Access to Inpatient Rehabilitation Therapy Act of 2014), is set to go before the House Ways and Means Committee for approval. The bill, which would be an addition to Section 1886(j) of the Social Security Act, is a bi-partisan effort to expand the types of therapy patients who have suffered brain injuries and other trauma can receive.

Lobbyist Firm Introduces Service to Ordinary Citizens

Lobbyit, a leading provider of lobbying services in Washington DC, has announced it is providing services to ordinary citizens and businesses. The Washington DC lobbyist provides a voice to make clients’ voices and concerns heard by Congress and others in the federal government.

21 Arrested for Online Solicitation of a Minor During Houston ICAC Sting Operation

The 21 men arrested by the Montgomery County Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) division on June 3 represent a handful of child predators known in the Houston area to solicit sexual contact from children online.

Rwanda Celebrates the Nation's Rebirth 20 Years Since the Tragic Genocide

By the time Rwanda’s capital Kigali fell on July 4, 1994, the Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF) rebel movement had been engaging then government forces in a four-year armed liberation struggle. Behind the frontline, the Genocide was taking its heavy toll. Over a million Tutsis were killed between April and July 1994.