Press Releases For Leinster (IE)

BragBet - Official Betting Partners of Connacht Rugby - Launch Promotion

BragBet were appointed today as Official Betting Partners of Connacht Rugby and to celebrate have offered the most generous promotion in the history of Irish rugby.

Reganam Interactive Releases 2011 FLV Video Player Software as Free Download

Video game and software developer Reganam Interactive is pleased to announce the 2011 version of their popular FLV video player. Reganam's FLV Player plays all videos downloaded from YouTube or other video share sites as well as many other video files.

Toss Bryan Launches New Website

Top website building and digital marketing experts Baldwin Digital have today announced the completion of their work on the new Toss Bryan Lawnmowers site. The company needed a fresh design to help them move with the times and accommodate even more sales. Web users are impressed with the functionality of the new site. Indeed, traffic has increased considerably since it first went live. The experts at Baldwin Digital have received a lot of praise from their client. They also look forward to working with them again in the future.

Enbio Applies PTFE to Nitinol Plates and Wires Using CoBlast Technology

Guidewires are involved in a huge range of medical procedures, which typically involve the guidewire being inserted into the vascular system and threaded through almost 2 metres of blood vessels to deliver devices such as stents or remove blockages in the vessels. With only a small incision, the guidewire allows these treatments to be delivered deep into critical vessels, for example in the heart or brain, minimising the trauma to the patient. Of course, this requires the surgeon to precisely control a device which they can't see and is located at the opposite end of a twisted two metre wire, sometimes under time-critical emergency conditions.

Great News from Author Mike Pettigrew: His New Book About Success and Happiness Through Gratitude Is Now Free with Bonus Four Part Video Training Course

LogoIrish author Mike Pettigrew's new book "Unlock Gratitude Now! Your 7 Keys to a Happier and More Successful Life" is available for free from May 22nd to May 26th and it now includes a special bonus. In this new book which is available for immediate download on Amazon Kindle Pettigrew provides a step by step framework on how to create success and happiness using fast and effective tools and techniques.

MKF Institute Announces Return of Annual Teen Makeup and Beauty Summer Camps

MKF Institute announces the return of their famed annual Teen makeup summer camp now. The summer camp will also feature beauty summer camps separately or done together. Both classes will run throughout summer beginning June 15th until August 21st. MKF Institute encourages attendees to complete both phases of the summer camp and receive discounts of as much as 20%. The yearly workshops, now on its 6th year, teaches teens as young as 13 years old to try fun and educational ways to make use of their summer learning useful and dynamic makeup skills.

Dermatology Ireland Launches New Website to Promote Innovative Skincare Practice in Dublin

Dermatology is the area of medical practice dedicated to caring for the skin. As the largest organ, and the one that shields and protects people from the outside world while at the same time absorbing and processing key nutrients, skin is a versatile but delicate thing which must be taken care of. Sometimes, doing so requires professional help. Dermatology Ireland is a new dermatologists practice in the heart of Dublin, and they have recently launched a website to promote their services to online audiences, as well as demonstrate their expertise through insightful new resources.

UCD Engineers to Provide Protective Coating for Solar Orbiter Parts

The M-class mission Solar Orbiter, currently being developed by the ESA in collaboration with the NASA (National Aeronautic and Space Administration), is scheduled to be launched in January 2017. The aim of the seven-year mission is to find answers to questions about the sun and the heliosphere, the electromagnetic bubble that covers the solar system.

Enbio to Create 12 Jobs at New 1.5m ESA-Funded Centre in Clonmel

Guests from all over Europe were present, including our colleagues at Airbus Defence & Space from Stevenage in the UK, and the Solar Orbiter Project Control Manager of the European Space Agency Yves Bonnefous. Many of our colleagues closer to home attended as well to see the Minister of State for Jobs perform the official ribbon-cutting ceremony and declare the facility open. The facility was funded by the European Space Agency, with the assistance of Enterprise Ireland. We have made huge progress since the early days of our interaction with the European Space Agency in 2011, from one small machine to a large purpose-built space in Clonmel.

LogHouse Living Ltd Introduces Its Exclusive New Line of Home Office Log Cabins

"LogHouse Living Ltd," one of the premier groups from Dublin that specializes in creating top-notch log cabin home offices is pleased to announce that it has launched its new product line with options ranging from budget range log cabin offices to premium range log cabin offices that can fit the individual needs and budgets of customers. Besides this, they even offer custom services, where they can design and construct high quality log homes based on the specific requirements of clients.

Chatnox Releases Free Live Chat Plugin for over 60 Million WordPress Users

LogoChatNox, a super fast live chat service with built-in real-time tracking and proactive messaging, allows businesses using WordPress sites to offer live support to its visitors in the easiest possible way using the new WordPress plugin

Fun Photo Booth Selected as the Finalist for Wedding Online Awards 2015

LogoFun Photo Booth has been reportedly selected as a finalist for Wedding Online Awards 2015. The leading photo booth company is vying for the position of Best Wedding Photo Booth Supplier of the Year with two other competitors.

Relationship Gurus Share 15 Tips on How to Attract Men on is a website that has been developed to provide advice and tips to single women of every age trying to land Mr. Right. Finding, developing and preserving love can be complicated for everyone; however, finding the right guy and keeping the spark alive seems to be the most difficult for women. Dating gurus at wish to help make things easier for women though effective advice and reviews of various relationship advice programs. Recently they shared 15 of their ultimate essentials that men find attractive in women.

Crazy Gratitude Experiment – Possible Proof of Mind over Matter

LogoAuthor and motivational speaker Mike Pettigrew has just released his new video training course "The Keys to Empowerment, Success and Happiness".

Leading Dublin Photo Booth Rental Announces Discounts

LogoHot news for those planning a photo booth service of late- Leading Dublin photo booth company Fun Photo Booth has recently announced discount on their service package.

Home Carpet Cleaning Dublin Services in Eco Clean Solutions

What Makes a Good Carpet Cleaning Company? You by now know the benefits of regularly having your carpet cleaned by professionals. The truth however is that there has been an increase in the number of cleaning companies offering the services and it can therefore be hard to make a fast but right decision. What therefore makes a good carpet cleaning company that you can trust? Publishes New Article to Explain the Science Behind Stove Fans is a website that features in depth reviews of the top stove fan brands and models, the website has recently released a detailed article titled “What Is the Stove Fan?” to explain to readers how stove fans work without electrical supply or batteries. The article shares the fascinating science behind these deceptively straight forward appliances that help people stay warm during the cold season by effectively distributing the heat a stove produces.

Analysis of the Global Carbon Nanotubes Market to 2024

Research and Markets ( has announced the addition of the "The Global Market For Carbon Nanotubes To 2024" report to their offering.

Lottery Survey Shows 44% of People Would Buy a New House if They Won the Irish Lottery

Winning the lottery is a dream come true for millions of people around the world. Everyone who plays the lottery hopes their numbers will come up, but what is the first thing people would buy if they won a big Irish Lottery jackpot? According to a survey conducted by International Lottery Subscriptions (ILS), it would be a new house. Thanked by Client After Victory in Medical Negligence Case

Personal injury claims in Ireland ( require the services of experts who can help fight the case and guarantee the maximum amount of compensation, as well as providing expert advice for individuals in pursuing the claim and representation in the court room to define the facts as clearly as possible. is a leading solicitor in the field, which has received media attention recently in the wake of the wrongful death of Kaidan Costello due to medical negligence. The solicitors were thanked publicly by mother Kate, who cited their dedication and hard work in getting justice for Kaidan.

A Unique Online Marketplace Created for Buying & Selling Irish Gifts Is Looking for Irish Craft Producers

People always love to buy gifts that are unique and to give gifts to loved ones. There are so many gifts that are available on the Internet and on the high street but a popular Irish Craft Market Place want people to experience unique gifts, unique gifts that are made by Irish craft professionals.

Craftbay Launches Market Place to Bring Irish Crafts Closer to the Consumer

No longer do people have to travel all the way to Ireland to experience world-class Irish crafts, thanks to the Craftbay Marketplace, which is an online store that brings original Irish crafts closer to the consumer. Ireland is well known for being a country that is rich in culture and beauty and now visitors to the online craft marketplace can experience the different crafts that Ireland has to offer.

FitplusWell Provides Effective Treatment for Shin Splints Cure by Trained Professionals

FitplusWell provides an effective treatment for shin splints cure by their trained and experienced professionals. Since the most common form of shin splints has been an irritation and degeneration of the shin bone and the soft tissue attached to it, but it is not the only type of shin pain. The specialists at FitplusWell suggest patients have a diagnosis immediately, if they experience medial tibial stress syndrome or a stress fracture even while resting.

Locksmiths Galway Offers Its 24 Hour Emergency Locksmith Services

Door Locks are one of the mandatory things which keep your house protected. It is always advised that people take the right measures to lock their property and belongings with the safest protective options. Locksmith Galway offers its services for the residents of Galway and the surrounding areas. They offer a 24 hour locksmith service and have been known for their fast response and 100% satisfaction rate. With them around customers can be assured that their homes stay protected and locked in the best possible manner.

Now Enjoy Pleasant and Comfortable Escorted Bus Tours of Ireland with Irish Dream Tours

Witness nature as it reaches the zenith of its beauty in Ireland and travel all across this beautiful country comfortably with Irish Dream Tours, which now offers comfortable escorted bus Tours of Ireland. These tours have been planned precisely for the benefit of both large and small tourist groups enabling them to visit all the major tourist destinations and important places in Ireland without any unwanted hassle. The buses are large and spacious with basic as well as luxurious facilities to ensure a comfortable and extremely enjoyable trip.

Personal Injury Solicitors Ireland Offers No Win No Fee Service on Personal Injury Claims

No win no fee solicitors promise clients that if they are unsuccessful in appealing for compensation that they will not be charged. This leads some people to become suspicious and to second guess the advantages of such a service. Personal Injury Solicitors Ireland has recently published a breakdown of exactly how a no win no fee service operates, its advantages and disadvantages so that potential clients can feel reassured and in the know before approaching them for legal support in their own claims for compensation.

Personal Injury Solicitors Dublin Offers 100% No Win No Fee Personal Injury Representation

Instances of personal injury are becoming more common as the world is becoming more densely populated, and much of that population is crammed into highly dense population centre’s. Dublin is the most densely populated place in Ireland and as a result, medical professionals, dental professionals and every day drivers are all at increased risk of making more errors and eventually doing someone harm. When that happens, the individual harmed is entitled to compensation, and Personal Injury Solicitors Dublin offer a no win no fee service ( to represent those people.