Racer Immigration Consulting Inc.

Immigration Advisors in Vancouver Say Government Looking to Fill Labour Shortage

LogoAs a group of immigration advisors in Vancouver, the team at Racer Immigration is always on the lookout for new opportunities for immigrants who want to start a new life in Canada. In the first three months of 2019, Stats Canada reported that the number of job vacancies in Canada had increased and almost 80% of the openings were for permanent positions. For more, go to: http://racerimmigration.com/more-than-500000-jobs-unfilled-across-canada-according-to-statistics-canada/

Vancouver Consultants Specialize in Business Immigration

LogoAs an immigration firm in Vancouver, the team at Racer Immigration knows that immigrants contribute to Canada in all sorts of ways. While the federal entrepreneur and investor visas are no longer available, there are still routes for skilled workers as well as business people who can create jobs and stimulate the economy. An immigration consultant can explore the best option to help entrepreneurs immigrate to Canada.

Vancouver Immigration Consultants Announce Pilot Residency Program for Caregivers

LogoAs an immigration consultant in Vancouver, the team at Racer Immigration believes it is important for families to stay together. For foreign Caregivers hoping to come to Canada, securing clearance for their families was a long and badly understood process. However, the Government of Canada has announced a limited-time pilot program that could open the pathway to family immigration to Canada.

Vancouver Immigration Consultants Say Family Reunification Program Slated for Late January

LogoAs immigration consultants in Vancouver, the team at Racer Immigration understand that choosing to immigrate to another country can be hard, especially if family members are left behind. That's why Racer's consultants are pleased to announce that the Government of Canada will reopen the parents and grandparents sponsorship program in late January 2019.

Vancouver Immigration Consultants Urge Candidates to Seek Help Proactively

LogoFor the Vancouver Canadian Immigration Consultants at Racer Immigration, navigating refusals is one of the realities of their job. But one of the biggest mistakes prospective Canadians can make is receiving a refusal before seeking professional help. For more, go to: http://racerimmigration.com/navigating-refusals-advice-from-canadian-immigration-consultants/

Vancouver Immigration Consultants Highlight Opportunities in Newfoundland

LogoIt comes as no surprise that many prospective immigrants dream of settling in cities like Toronto or Vancouver. But as a group of V ancouver-based Canadian Immigration Consultants, the team at Racer Immigration also highlight opportunities available in other parts of Canada. For example, Newfoundland is currently offering opportunities for business immigration.

Vancouver Immigration Consultants Warn Applicants Not to Sign Away Their Chances

LogoWhen applying as a prospective immigrant to Canada, honesty is always the best policy. As a team of Canadian Immigration Consultants, it's incredibly important for applicants to be fully cognizant of what they're signing. Putting too much confidence in a firm or consultant can be a risky prospect when it comes to seeking citizenship.

Vancouver Immigration Consultants Shares Details of the AIPP

LogoAs a group of Canadian Immigration Consultants, the team at Racer Immigration know that the ITA (Invitation to Apply) isn't the end-all when it comes to immigration. There are places across Canada that want and need new people. The AIPP is a wonderful pilot program that aims to make Canada's Maritimes more attractive to new Canadians.