Professional Services: Not For Profits - Press Releases

Womens Expo, San Ramon, CA

Date Announced For 2007 Direct Sales Divas Womens Expo to Benefit Shepherds Gate

Hepatitis B Foundation of Bucks County Launches Pilot Summer High School Science Enrichment Program

The Hepatitis B Foundation piloted a two-week “High School Science Enrichment Program” this summer for talented students interested in gaining hands-on research experience and learning more about biotechnology and public health in the context of hepatitis B and liver cancer. The Central Bucks School District Science Department offered encouragement, support and specific ideas for the Foundation’s exciting new initiative.

Fresh Team of MEDICO Volunteers Prepare for Honduras in September

From September 8-15 a newly formed team of volunteers will be traveling to Nicaragua in order to help the local population. They will offer their skills to these impoverished people in order to improve their quality of life. Honduras is amongst the top three poorest countries within our hemisphere; so there is a great need for this aide.

Hepatitis B Foundation Helps Get CDC $1 Million More for Viral Hepatitis

The Hepatitis B Foundation’s advocacy efforts to raise hepatitis B as a national health priority has successfully resulted in the House Appropriations Committee’s recent approval of a $1 million budget increase for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Division of Viral Hepatitis for 2008. Congressman Mike Honda spoke publicly on July 17 during the first session of the 110th Congress to express his commitment to increased funding for hepatitis B. “The budget for this Division [of Viral Hepatitis] has remained almost flat since fiscal year 2002 and Asian Americans face a near epidemic, with 1 out of 10 infected with chronic hepatitis B. This appropriation begins a long overdue reversal of the inadequate budgets given to this Division,” Honda said.

Who Hates to Hear They Look Great? Over Half of the Chronically Ill

LogoIn a recent survey of 611 chronically ill individuals, done by the National Invisible Chronic Illness Awareness Week committee, 53.27% of the respondents said that the most frustrating or annoying comment people make about their illness is “But you look so good!”

Sharp New Public Image and Ground Breaking Developments for the Florida Atlantic Research & Development Authority

The Florida Atlantic Research & Development Authority was one of the winners of LogoBee’s annual Makeover Project. LogoBee is a Montreal based logo design company who runs a Makeover Project every year where a group of non-profit organizations receive a new public image. Mr. Scott Ellington worked closely with the team of logo designers to come up with a memorable and distinct logo that captured the spirit of Research and Development. “The professionalism and responsiveness of LogoBee was outstanding!” commented the Executive Director.

Hepatitis B Foundation Promotes Chari Cohen to Senior Research Associate in New Public Health Research Department

The Hepatitis B Foundation, announced the promotion of Chari Cohen, MPH, from Program Coordinator to Senior Research Associate in its newly created Public Health Research Department.

International Primate Charity Updates Its Image: IPPL unveils new logo from

IPPL is a non-profit organization that strives to protect the welfare of primates worldwide. Recently they were one of LogoBee's Makeover Project winners.

Deep Run East Seeks Runners and Donations for Strides for Mission 5k

Deep Run Mennonite Church East of Perkasie, Pa., invites the local community to participate in its first annual Strides for Mission 5k Race and Family Mission Walk on Saturday, September 8. The race will begin at 9:30 a.m. and the walk at 9:45 a.m. at the Deep Run Mennonite East Church located at 350 Kellers Church Road. Immediately following the race and walk, the Church will be hosting its annual Community Fest 2007 featuring free food and games for community members of all ages to enjoy.

Hepatitis B Foundation of Bucks County Presents High School Science Awards to Area Graduates

The Hepatitis B Foundation presented its first-ever Hepatitis B Foundation Science Awards to three graduating students of the Central Bucks School District.

Coalition to Salute America’s Heroes and Give an Hour Launch Returning Hero Counseling Network to Help Troops & Families With the Psychological and Emotional Effects of War

The Coalition to Salute America’s Heroes (CSAH), a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to helping severely wounded War on Terror veterans and their families rebuild their lives, today announced a partnership with Give an Hour, a nonprofit organization dedicated to developing a national network of licensed mental health volunteers to respond to acute and chronic needs within our society. The program, dubbed Returning Hero Counseling Network will provide therapy specifically aimed at meeting the counseling needs of returning U.S. troops and their families who are affected by the current conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq.

NFL Star Roger Staubach Donates Proceeds from “Cash America Quarterback Bowl” to Coalition to Salute America’s Heroes

Two national spokesmen for the Coalition to Salute America’s Heroes, J.R. Martinez and Justin Bajema, both injured in their tour of duty in Iraq, will play next to some of the NFL’s greatest stars at the 2007 Cash America Quarterback Bowl. Roger Staubach, Heisman Trophy winner and Dallas Cowboys long-time quarterback, who is playing in the game, will donate half of the funds raised to the Coalition to Salute America’s Heroes (CSAH).

Bucks County Covered Bridges Festival Exclusive Red-Tie Fundraising Event

Covered bridges are a charming reminder of a simpler time. Also called “kissing bridges” because they afforded shade from summer’s heat and perhaps a moment to steal a furtive kiss, 36 of these unique crossings once dotted Bucks County. Unfortunately, the majority of Bucks County’s covered bridges have since fallen victim to neglect, vandalism and other hazards. This year, county residents and visitors will gather for a weekend to celebrate these symbols of the quiet, rural life for which Bucks County is known.

The National Kidney Foundation of the Delaware Valley Hosts “High Heels for High Hopes”

The National Kidney Foundation of the Delaware Valley will host an exclusive fashion event, High Heels for High Hopes, on Thursday, April 26 from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. at the Radisson Hotel’s Waterford Ballroom in King of Prussia, Pa.

Plans Unveiled for Nation’s Largest Gathering Ever of Recently Injured and Disabled Veterans

The Coalition to Salute America’s Heroes announced today that three hundred and fifty severely wounded service members from Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom plus their families and primary caregivers will attend its Fourth Annual Road to Recovery Conference and Tribute. The five-day event, to be held at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida from December 14 – 19, 2007, with more than 1,000 people in attendance, will be the nation’s largest gathering of severely wounded troops ever.

Bucks County Covered Bridges Festival to Be Held on June 9 and 10

The Bucks County (PA) Covered Bridges Festival is a weekend-long celebration of the historic covered bridges of Bucks County to be held on June 9 and 10.

NAPE® Oil & Gas Luncheon Raises $250,000 for Wounded Troops

The Coalition to Salute America’s Heroes, a non-profit, nonpartisan organization that provides much needed support and assistance to severely wounded service members returning home from the War on Terror, is excited to announce that a luncheon and auction at the NAPE Expo in Houston, Texas raised more than $250,000 for wounded troops.

New Leadership Means New Opportunities for Coalition to Salute America’s Heroes

The Coalition to Salute America’s Heroes today announced that the Board of Directors unanimously approved the appointment of Ray Clifford as Executive Director.

Safe Surrender Site Program Gets a New Online Face, Seeks Volunteers

Samuel Anderson remembers the dentist visit like it was yesterday: “Several years ago, I went to the dentist the day after Christmas. Instead of the usual chit-chat, my dentist told me of an abandoned newborn he found in the trash bin at one of the apartment buildings he owns. Needless to say, that pained me a lot more than the filling I got.”

Making a Difference One Greeting Card At A Time sends a smile in the form of a real paper “thinking of you” or “get well” greeting card to hurting people to show that someone cares about them! We send the cards for free!

It's Time to Tend to the Needy and the Poor

Just because you don't see the homeless walking around the streets of Lynchburg and vicinity doesn't mean they don't exist. They are very much alive and not doing so well; struggling to find a place to rest their weary bodies and looking for food to feed those weary bodies. This thought led The Rev. Keith O. Williams, 32 and Sheona, his 29-year-old wife to spread awareness about poverty and homelesses in the greater Lynchburg area.

September Issue of “Leadership Matters” Examines Effectiveness of Nonprofit Boards

Nonprofit board members were once thought to be effective if they donated funds or services, or persuaded others to donate, at a certain level to the organization. According to research conducted by the Bridgespan Group in collaboration with the Edna McConnell Clark Foundation, fundraising is still important, but it is no longer sufficient to help organizations deal with growing needs, challenges, and regulations confronting the sector.