Entertainment: Books and Publishing - Press Releases

David Roundsley Launches Kickstarter Campaign for His Upcoming Non-Fiction Book

David B. Roundsley is an American musician and artist, who is now emerging as an author by announcing his upcoming nonfiction book. The book is titled Bad Blood: A Life Without Consequence, and it is the author's memoir about his search for his birth parents and DNA. Moreover, David has recently launched a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter, and he is welcoming generous support and backing. The most amazing fact about this project is that the book comes along with a soundtrack/curated album.

Mom-Authored Children's Book "Granny Thee Unstoppable" Gives Kids Hope Who've Lost a Family Member to Cancer

Written with a mother's heart to give kids steeped in sadness a place to put their grief, new author Brandi Reynaud releases a children's book. The first volume in the "Granny Thee Unstoppable" book series, with remarkable comfort, she tells the story of Granny, Bryce, Brayden, and Layla. Together, they are four family heroes who faced Granny's breast cancer and won an eternal joy no disease could ever steal.

Daniel Strasel Announces His Newest Book: Without Rest - a Tale of Love and Madness

New book by author Daniel Strasel, “Without Rest” is a tale about gods and heroes, love and madness.

New Book by Roberto Martins Says Companies Can Grow After the Pandemic with the Right Brand Strategy

BrandingLeaks blog has proudly announced that the all-new book by consultant and serial entrepreneur, Roberto Martins is released worldwide as from September 1. The book is titled The Journey of Branding-Align With The Best Global Brands, and the author has combined 30 years of professional experience, learning, and practicing as a financial executive, consultant, advisor, and university professor with years of consulting to discuss some of the most critical areas in the main fundamentals for the creation and management of brands. Roberto Martins is a lifetime consultant and serial entrepreneur with empirical knowledge in nearly every industry and sector, and this book is his refreshing approach to the subject of corporate branding--which includes, amongst other things, 'leadership,' 'management,' and 'psychological warfare.' Besides, the book is a systematic and comprehensive framework with precise know-how of successful business strategies, brand development, and management standards.

An Inspiring Healer Launches Kickstarter Campaign for Her New Book

Reyhan Toplu is an internationally renowned mindfulness practitioner, yogini and inner child healing expert. She has proudly announced the launch of her new nonfiction book to help people around the world. The title of this book is 'Battling with Inner Child: Journey to Home', and the author has recently launched a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter to raise funds and support for this project.

Now on Kickstarter, a New Children's Book, Shoes, All Walks of Life, with Animated Video

Vincent Castro, a talented storyteller and illustrator from Seminole, Florida, has announced a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter to create an animated video for his new children's book, Shoes, All Walks Of Life, coming to audiences worldwide September 2020.

Fairy Tale Treasures Magazine Launches Kickstarter Campaign

Fairy Tale Treasures Magazine is an upcoming US based print magazine that covers a wide range of areas and is designed to inform, educate and entertain the people with a new media outlet. The creator of this magazine is an accomplished artist, photographer, and writer Rachel Willis. The magazine will particularly focus on eco-friendly fashion brands and will promote a healthy lifestyle.

New Book by Lynne Garber Released Entitled, "Death on the Amazon: My Memories of Eric Fleming"

In Death On the Amazon: My Memories of Eric Fleming, Lynne Garber's romance with Hollywood star Eric Fleming bursts off the page. Fleming, the shining light of Rawhide, one of the most successful and loved TV westerns in history, his romance with former Miss Pennsylvania Garber, and his tragic death while shooting a movie in the Peruvian Amazon form the basis of Garber's incredible story. But what she learned about Fleming, Hollywood, and beyond would have been too much even for an episode of Rawhide.

Troubled Young People Don't Change for the Better, if They're Not Taught How to Get Better

LogoOver the Years One Fact Has Remained Evident, That Is Education and Rehabilitation Are Unmistakably Intertwined

New Children's Book from Author, Niki Spears Shows Kids the Power of Gratitude & Kindness Found in a "Hand Hug"

LogoWhat person doesn't need a hand hug right about now? So says author and motivational speaker Niki Spears in her new book for kids called "The Hand Hug." The first in a series about a little girl named Baelor highlights the uneasy feelings associated with the first day at a new school. Armed with positive energy, a teacher starts Baelor's year off right by shifting her focus with a simple act of kindness that gives her the tools to help herself and others.

New Book from Author, Cori Williams Says "Code-Switching" Is a Deal-Breaker for a More Supportive Corporate America

LogoToday, globally, African Americans in the corporate world have an extra detail on their to-do list that risks self-esteem, personal productivity, and the inalienable right to thrive. Tasked daily with surviving racial bias and its resulting inequality, bright black men and women have to watch what they say, who they say it to, and, most importantly, how they say it. It's called "code-switching," and no one is immune, not even President Barack Obama. Putting a spotlight on what he calls discrimination by design, a new book by the author, Cori Williams, looks at how African Americans get from one day to the next in corporate America. Set for release on September 7th, "Thriving While Black: The Act of Surviving and Thriving in the Same Space" could not be more on-point in a social climate that's strained at best.

A UK Based Artist Launches Kickstarter Campaign for Her Horror Stories

Anastasia Catris is a freelance illustrator and writer from Wales, United Kingdom, and she has proudly announced that she is publishing the second volume of her gothic anthology called 'Cirque Du Mort'. To introduce the volume 2 of this collection of highly illustrated horror stories themed around a haunted circus, Anastasia has recently launched a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter to raise funds and support.

Mariska Karto Launches Kickstarter Campaign for the Book of Senses

Mariska Karto is a photo artist based in the Netherlands and she has recently launched a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter to raise funds and support for her upcoming photo artbook. The title of this book is 'The Book of Senses', and in addition to her art work, the author has also shared valuable tips for the aspiring artists from around the world. The artist basically uses photography and Photoshop to create sophisticated sensual women from different ethnic groups and place them in a historically rich setting.

Connect with Healing Energies, Provoking Massive Shifts in Consciousness Through Multidimensional Light Codes

LogoLight Codes and Light Language are a powerful energy shared by the Universe that is beyond our spoken human language. These codes transcend the limits of time and space, connect with parts of ourselves that are long forgotten, and provoke massive shifts in consciousness. The potentials of Light Codes and Light Language are limitless.

Black Publisher, Shannon Poshe Anderson, Is Paving the Way for More Black Writers

Crafting a message and publishing a book is one of the greatest challenges for most authors or especially African American authors out there. It has been one of the main obstacles for upcoming writers, as Shannon Anderson puts it. As a person who has gone through the struggle to get where she is; the coach, author, and entrepreneur says she has gone from being unhappy and broken to becoming a catalyst of hope and change. Shannon Anderson is looking to share her inspiring story and encourage upcoming authors, helping them craft their story, publish their work, and ultimately monetizing it.

New Book on Policing Intellectual Property in Brazil

LogoA new book by Professor of Anthropology & International Affairs, Alexander Sebastian Dent, PhD, provides a first-hand look into how twenty-first century capitalism generates piracy and produces fraught consumer experiences in Latin America and beyond.

Technology Is Mutating and Evolution Has Not Prepared Humanity for These Changes

LogoBefore Covid-19, humanity was heading towards two doors. Behind one door stood the opportunity to create the closest thing to utopia that has ever existed. Behind the other was a path paved with the threat of growing inequality, eroding privacy, authoritarianism, conflict, and then dystopia. The great pandemic of 2020 has brought both these doors much closer.

Bound to Brew Announces Kickstarter to Bring Exciting Monthly First Edition Book & Coffee Subscription Box to Market

LogoThere is a special kind of person who simply adores having the chance to explore an author's new work, especially when they are sipping on a cup of premium coffee. The passionate team at Bound to Brew understand this fascination well, so much so that it inspired the foundation of their new company. In exciting news, Bound to Brew recently announced the launch of a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter aimed at raising the resources needed to debut its new monthly subscription box. Each monthly box will feature a new first edition book from a different author, along with a premium bag of coffee from one of the nation's top roasters. For many, this will certainly sound like a small piece of heaven, making Bound to Brew both a guilty pleasure on one hand and a thoughtful gift on the other.

Now on Kickstarter, the New Knights 4: Training Camp, an Exciting New Comic Book Adventure

Omar Moore, an Indie comic book publisher and comic enthusiast, is excited to announce his latest project on Kickstarter, a popular crowdfunding platform. A project 40 years in the making, The New Knights, his latest comic book series, is inspiring a new generation to get excited about comics and encourage long-time fans to return for an exciting, representative story.

New Issue of Inmate Shopper Has Been Released

LogoIn today's trying times the people most forgotten are those who are incarcerated. But American prisoners, just like all of us, seek a way to stay connected in a time of social distancing. Once again a way has been made to do what seems to be impossible. That's bringing the outside world to those on the inside.

Discover and Live an Inspired Dream and God-Designed Purpose

LogoYour HeartSong Journey, Discovering and Living Your Inspired Dream and God-Designed Purpose is an introspective guide and journal-style book offering hope and direction. It encourages and helps readers uncover the truth and hidden answers to living with confidence, overcoming life's challenges, and stepping into the dream and purpose always and uniquely meant for them.

Missing Travel? Author Daniel Mode's 'The Travelers Within' Released to Take Readers on an International Adventure of a Lifetime

The newly-released travel adventure fiction series by author, Daniel Mode entitled, "The Travelers Within" follows an engaging cast of characters on a wild and insightful international journey through the fantastic locales, unfamiliar cultures, and perilous dangers of the world.

Is Liberty and Justice a Matter of Color in America

LogoIn recent years, law makers have been addressing the racial imbalance in the application of the federal drug laws. That means that people of color who are arrested today face a more lenient criminal justice system than those who came before them. The unfairness, however, did not stop with the federal drug laws. Court records also show a huge disparity in the application of the federal gun laws and the laws that govern post-conviction relief as well. This means that black people, who are now serving illegal sentences must remain in prison simply because they are too black or too poor to afford an attorney-even those who are actually innocent.

New Book Takes a Raw Look at Systemic Racism and Learned Behavior

LogoKevin Douglas Wright, author and filmmaker, recently released a book version of his powerful 2019 documentary, I Learned It From You, which provides snapshots into the lives of six survivors of the civil rights movement. The book explores the dangers of learned behavior and institutional racism. It delivers lessons from the past that readers can apply to the Black Lives Matter movement and the greater good of humanity.

Ella Jayne West Unveils Her Brilliant First Book

Ella Jayne West, a self-published indie author, has launched her first book Goodbye, Narcissist; Hello, Self-Love, which is bound to make its mark with global readers across all age groups.