Press Releases For Alberta (CA)

Term Life Insurance vs Whole Life Insurance in Vancouver

In the vibrant city of Vancouver, where the majestic mountains meet the Pacific Ocean, residents enjoy a dynamic lifestyle filled with adventures and cultural experiences. When it comes to protecting loved ones and securing the financial future, choosing the right life insurance is paramount. For more, go to

Vancouver Immigration Lawyers Share Changes Cost of Living Requirements for Student Visas

Coming to Canada is about to get more challenging for students, according to the Canadian Immigration Lawyers at Sas and Ing Immigration Law Centre in Vancouver. On December 7, 2023, the Honourable Marc Miller, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, announced that starting January 1, 2024, international students will be required to have more funds to be granted a student visa to ensure they can afford the costs of living in Canada. For more, go to

Mew Company Chartered Professional Accountants Share Tips for Income Tax Preparation in 2023

LogoThe 2022 tax scramble is over. Most Canadians have already filed taxes. For those who want to avoid the panic in 2023, the Vancouver Chartered Professional Accountants have some expert advice, so businesses and individuals can file with greater ease and peace of mind. For more, go to

Vancouver Persian Area Rug Cleaning: Tips on Hiring a Professional Cleaner

Logocleaning specialty rugs requires Vancouver carpet cleaners with professional skills and experience—here’s why.

Vancouver Immigration Lawyers Support Canada's Bid to Attract Technology Workers

LogoThe federal government will create new work permit categories and expedite permanent residency for select skilled workers.

Residential Homes Chain Link Fences for Pet Safety

Logosecurity and visibility make chain link fencing an ideal option for homes with pets

Chimney Maintenance: What NOT to Do for Long-Lasting Performance

LogoAs masonry contractors in Vancouver, the team at Nickel Masonry & Construction focuses on Fireplaces, Masonry, Sidewalks, Driveways, Waterproofing, Construction, and Stonework—this includes chimney rebuilds and repairs. In a recent article, the team reveals what not to do for long-lasting performance. For more, go to

Life Insurance Brokers in Vancouver: Securing a Family's Financial Future

LogoLife insurance plays a vital role in providing security, offering peace of mind and a safety net during challenging times

Make Attention Grabbing Banners a Pillar of Marketing

Logopromote a brand and message with eye-catching pillar signs that always stand tall

Electrical Cable Supply Silver Sponsor for Tools in the Trades Boot Camp

LogoElectrical Cable Supply Ltd. (ECS) recently partnered with Tools in the Trades Boot Camp to donate electrical building wire for their events across the province. Last week, ECS had the opportunity to attend the Electrical and Transportation Technology Event in Ottawa, which received a visit from Member of Parliament Charles Sousa and was attended by ECS Outside Sales Representative Magda Latawiec. The hands-on event featured helpful demonstrations, trade exercises, career workshops, networking opportunities, an expert panel, and lunch. All participants were also given a free tool kit to kickstart their careers.

Introducing Adjustable Cardboard Boxes: A Comprehensive Guide to a Packaging Trend

LogoAdjustable cardboard boxes are becoming a popular choice for various industries due to their flexibility and cost-effectiveness

Putting Together a Skinimal Routine Using Serums

LogoTips for simplifying skincare and building a regimen that helps you achieve healthy, glowing skin with only the necessary products.

Industry Level Scanning Services in Vancouver

LogoDocument scanning isn't a minor job. Providing professional services to all levels of government, medical, legal, utilities, manufacturing, resource industry, first nations, insurance—and more—takes a wealth of experience. Fortunately, the professionals at Micro Com have provided Vancouver businesses with high-level scanning services since 1975.

8 Ways to Use Chain-Link Fences in Vancouver Around the Home

LogoDurable chain link fences in Vancouver remain a popular choice for homeowners with a variety of applications

Vancouver Immigration Lawyers: Share Essential Tips for Success with Humanitarian and Compassionate Applications

Logo(“H&C”) applications are the last resort for persons with no other means of immigrating or remaining in Canada

ECS Voted and Won as One of Canada's Best Managed Companies with Platinum Designation

LogoWe are proud to announce that Electrical Cable Supply (ECS) has been re-certified as one of Canada’s Best Managed Companies with the prestigious Platinum designation for the 6th year in a row. This is the highest accolade in the Best Managed program, and is a testament to the hard work, dedication, and commitment of our staff, management and shareholders.

Expert Vancouver Area Rug Cleaning Services to Restore and Maintain Rugs' Beauty and Longevity

LogoThe Vancouver carpet cleaners at Angelo's FabriClean proudly offer expert Vancouver area rug cleaning services. Leveraging considerable expertise and industry-leading techniques, technicians offer customized solutions that deliver exceptional results and satisfaction. For more, go to

Chimney Repair in Vancouver: Telltale Signs of Damage

Logokeeping chimneys in good condition is vital to the safety and comfort of homeowners and their families.

Best Fence Options for Windy Regions: Steel or Chain-Link?

LogoLiving in a windy region like Vancouver can pose a challenge when choosing the right fence for a residential property. A sturdy and reliable fence is essential for protection, but with so many options available, it can be challenging to determine the best fit. This post examines the pros and cons of two popular fencing materials—steel and chain-link, so Vancouver homeowners can make an informed choice. For more, go to

Life Insurance Broker in Vancouver Shares Services to Secure the Financial Future

LogoVenture First Advisory, a premier life insurance broker in Vancouver, aims to help residents secure their financial future and protect loved ones. With a team of experienced professionals, Venture First Advisory offers personalized guidance and tailored solutions, ensuring clients receive the most suitable life insurance policies based on their unique needs and circumstances. For more, go to

Distribute Local Messages Easily and Consistently with Doorhangers

Logocustom printed doorhangers in Vancouver are an affordable way to share messages

The Best Fence for Rainy Weather: Chain Link Fences in Vancouver

LogoWhen fencing a property in a rainy area like Vancouver, it's essential to choose a fence that can withstand weather conditions. Chain link fences are an excellent option for rainy climates – they are sturdy, durable, and require minimal maintenance. For more, go to

Corrugated Cardboard Boxes in Vancouver for Grocery Delivery and More

LogoWholesale cardboard box manufacturer in Vancouver helps businesses keep goods and foods fresh and safe

Micro Com Systems Streamlines Medical Record Scanning in Vancouver

Logomedical offices can simplify office operations with professional medical chart scanning in Vancouver

Treat Skin Pigmentation with IPL Skin Rejuvenation in Vancouver

LogoLumecca IPL skin rejuvenation is a proven process for managing a variety of skin pigmentation

PMGSupplyca Accepting Applications for New Suppliers!

LogoFollowing the successful expansion of the market sectors we serve is very excited to announce that we are now accepting applications for new suppliers.

Vancouver Immigration Lawyers: BC PNP Hits a Home Run with Healthcare Workers

LogoThe Vancouver immigration lawyers at Sas and Ing discussed changes to The BC Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) to attract healthcare professionals to Canada.